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package fusioncharts; import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean; import javax.faces.bean.RequestScoped; @ManagedBean(name = "fusioncharts") @RequestScoped public class bean{ public static String createfusioncharts(){ FusionCharts area2dChart = new FusionCharts( "area2d",// chartType "myFirstChart",// chartId "600","400",// chartWidth, chartHeight "chart",// chartContainer "json",// dataFormat "{\"chart\": {\"caption\": \"Sales of Liquor\",\"subCaption\": \"Last week\", \"xAxisName\": \"Day\", \"yAxisName\": \"Sales (In USD)\",\"numberPrefix\": \"$\",\"paletteColors\": \"#0075c2\", \"bgColor\": \"#ffffff\",\"showBorder\": \"0\",\"showCanvasBorder\": \"0\",\"plotBorderAlpha\": \"10\",\"usePlotGradientColor\": \"0\",\"plotFillAlpha\": \"50\",\"showXAxisLine\": \"1\",\"axisLineAlpha\": \"25\",\"divLineAlpha\": \"10\", \"showValues\": \"1\",\"showAlternateHGridColor\": \"0\", \"captionFontSize\": \" 14\", \"subcaptionFontSize\": \"14\", \"subcaptionFontBold\": \"0\", \"toolTipColor\": \"#ffffff\", \"toolTipBorderThickness\": \"0\", \"toolTipBgColor\": \"#000000\", \" toolTipBgAlpha\": \"80\", \"toolTipBorderRadius\": \"2\", \"toolTipPadding\": \"5\" },\"data\":[{\"label\":\"Mon\",\"value\":\"5123\"},{\"label\": \"Tue\",\"value\": \"4633\"}, {\"label\": \"Wed\",\"value\": \"5507\" }, {\"label\": \"Thu\",\"value\": \"4910\"}, {\"label\": \"Fri\",\"value\": \"5529\"}, {\"label\": \"Sat\",\"value\": \"5803\"}, {\"label\": \"Sun\",\"value\": \"6202\" }]}" ); String data = area2dChart.render(); return data; } }Step 2: Create an xhtml page that will render the required chart in the browser.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:jsf="" > <h:head> <title>Loading Data from a Static JSON String -</title> <h:outputScript name="fusioncharts.js" library="js"/> <h:outputScript name="fusioncharts.charts.js" library="js"/> </h:head> <h:body> <div id="chart"></div> <h:outputText value="#{fusioncharts.createfusioncharts()}" escape="false"/> </h:body> </html>Finally, include the library files. Create a folder, resources under root folder of your local machine. Within the resources folder, create another folder, js. Include the JavaScript files inside the js folder. The folder structure looks as shown below:
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