Keeping track of investment accounts is not an easy task. That’s why investors around the world prefer to use the investment dashboard. It provides them with a quick overview of the estimated return rate. The Venture Capital firms also use the dashboard that is specifically built for their businesses. It enables them to oversee and manage all of their investments conveniently. You can help investors and venture capital firms by creating powerful investment and venture financing dashboards using FusionCharts. In this post, you will find all the details about building a financial dashboard.
Table of Contents
What is FusionCharts?
FusionCharts is a JavaScript library for generating clean and dynamic charts, gauges, or maps in web applications. It supports over 100 charts and 2000 maps. So, you have the flexibility of visualizing the data in any way you like.How to Build Powerful Investment Financing Dashboards with FusionCharts and Angular
Angular is a component-based framework for building mobile and web applications. By using it with FusionCharts, you can build powerful investment financing dashboards easily. Take a look at this example: To create the investment financing dashboard shown above, you have to follow these steps: 1. First, you have to create the components for your dashboard. Navigate to src > app folder. Create a new file, called app.component.ts. Then add these codes:
import { Component, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Renderer } from '@angular/core';
import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
import * as FusionCharts from 'fusioncharts';
import { PieComponent } from '../../VisualizationTemplate/PieChart';
import { LineComponent } from '../../VisualizationTemplate/LineChart';
import { ColumnComponent } from '../../VisualizationTemplate/ColumnChart';
import { WorldMapComponent } from '../../VisualizationTemplate/WorldMap';
import { ScatterChartComponent } from '../../VisualizationTemplate/ScatterChart';
import { UiComponent } from '../../VisualizationTemplate/UiComponent';
import { KpiComponent } from '../../VisualizationTemplate/KPI';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { CommonUtils } from '../../Data/CommonUtils';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class DataStoreComponent {
lineChartHeader = 'Yearly Total Investment';
pieChartHeader = 'Total Investment by Asstets Class';
columnChartHeader = 'Total Investment by Rating Group';
scatterChartHeader = 'Market Value Vs Book Value by Rating Group';
mapHeader = 'Total Investment by Country';
rorClass: string;
totalInvestMent: string;
investmentCount: number;
rateOfReturn: string;
countries: string[];
allRatinggroups: string[];
allAssetclass: string[];
linechartdata = {};
columnchartdata = {};
piechartdata = {};
scatterchartdata = {};
worldmapdata = {};
selectedCountry: string;
selectedClass: string;
selectedRatingGroup: string;
baseUrl = environment.baseUrl;
constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient, private renderer: Renderer) {
this.selectedCountry = 'Countries(All)';
this.selectedClass = 'Assets Class(All)';
this.selectedRatingGroup = 'Rating Groups(All)';
this.totalInvestMent = KpiComponent.TotalInvestment('', '', '');
this.rateOfReturn = KpiComponent.RateOfReturn('', '', '');
if (CommonUtils.NumberFormat(this.rateOfReturn) === 0) {
// this.rorClass = 'fc-kpi-arrow-contaier fas fa-long-arrow-alt-neutral';
this.rateOfReturn = this.rateOfReturn.replace('-', '');
this.rateOfReturn = this.rateOfReturn.replace('+', '');
}/* else if (this.rateOfReturn.substring(0, 1) === '-') {
this.rorClass = 'fc-kpi-arrow-contaier fas fa-long-arrow-alt-down';
this.rateOfReturn = this.rateOfReturn.replace('-', '');
} else {
this.rorClass = 'fc-kpi-arrow-contaier fas fa-long-arrow-alt-up';
} */
this.investmentCount = KpiComponent.NumberOfInvestment('', '', '');
this.countries = UiComponent.GetAllCountries();
this.allRatinggroups = UiComponent.GetAllGroup();
this.allAssetclass = UiComponent.GetAllClass();
this.piechartdata = PieComponent.ChartJson('', '', '');
this.linechartdata = LineComponent.ChartJson('', '', '');
this.columnchartdata = ColumnComponent.ChartJson('', '', '');
this.scatterchartdata = ScatterChartComponent.ChartJson('', '', '');
this.worldmapdata = WorldMapComponent.ChartJson('', '', '');
// tslint:disable-next-line:use-lifecycle-interface
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
onApplyFilter(): void {
this.totalInvestMent = KpiComponent.TotalInvestment(this.selectedCountry, this.selectedClass, this.selectedRatingGroup);
this.investmentCount = KpiComponent.NumberOfInvestment(this.selectedCountry, this.selectedClass, this.selectedRatingGroup);
this.rateOfReturn = KpiComponent.RateOfReturn(this.selectedCountry, this.selectedClass, this.selectedRatingGroup);
this.piechartdata = PieComponent.ChartJson(this.selectedCountry, this.selectedClass, this.selectedRatingGroup);
this.linechartdata = LineComponent.ChartJson(this.selectedCountry, this.selectedClass, this.selectedRatingGroup);
this.columnchartdata = ColumnComponent.ChartJson(this.selectedCountry, this.selectedClass, this.selectedRatingGroup);
this.worldmapdata = WorldMapComponent.ChartJson(this.selectedCountry, this.selectedClass, this.selectedRatingGroup);
this.scatterchartdata = ScatterChartComponent.ChartJson(this.selectedCountry, this.selectedClass, this.selectedRatingGroup);
if (CommonUtils.NumberFormat(this.rateOfReturn) === 0) {
// this.rorClass = 'fc-kpi-arrow-contaier fas fa-long-arrow-alt-neutral';
this.rateOfReturn = this.rateOfReturn.replace('-', '');
this.rateOfReturn = this.rateOfReturn.replace('+', '');
}/* else if (this.rateOfReturn.substring(0, 1) === '-') {
this.rorClass = 'fc-kpi-arrow-contaier fas fa-long-arrow-alt-down';
this.rateOfReturn = this.rateOfReturn.replace('-', '');
} else {
this.rorClass = 'fc-kpi-arrow-contaier fas fa-long-arrow-alt-up';
} */
onResetFilter(): void {
this.totalInvestMent = KpiComponent.TotalInvestment('', '', '');
this.investmentCount = KpiComponent.NumberOfInvestment('', '', '');
this.rateOfReturn = KpiComponent.RateOfReturn('', '', '');
this.piechartdata = PieComponent.ChartJson('', '', '');
this.linechartdata = LineComponent.ChartJson('', '', '');
this.columnchartdata = ColumnComponent.ChartJson('', '', '');
this.worldmapdata = WorldMapComponent.ChartJson('', '', '');
this.scatterchartdata = ScatterChartComponent.ChartJson('', '', '');
this.selectedCountry = 'Countries(All)';
this.selectedClass = 'Assets Class(All)';
this.selectedRatingGroup = 'Rating Groups(All)';
if (CommonUtils.NumberFormat(this.rateOfReturn) === 0) {
// this.rorClass = 'fc-kpi-arrow-contaier fas fa-long-arrow-alt-neutral';
this.rateOfReturn = this.rateOfReturn.replace('-', '');
this.rateOfReturn = this.rateOfReturn.replace('+', '');
}/* else if (this.rateOfReturn.substring(0, 1) === '-') {
this.rorClass = 'fc-kpi-arrow-contaier fas fa-long-arrow-alt-down';
this.rateOfReturn = this.rateOfReturn.replace('-', '');
} else {
this.rorClass = 'fc-kpi-arrow-contaier fas fa-long-arrow-alt-up';
} */
PieChange(chart) {
if (chart === 'pie2d') {
const ctlid = 'toggle-pie';
const addClass = 'fc-pie-selected-icon';
const removeClass = 'fc-pie-icon';
const addClassToggle = 'fc-column-icon';
const removeClassToggle = 'fc-column-selected-icon';
this.AddSelectedClass(ctlid,, addClass, removeClass, addClassToggle, removeClassToggle);
} else {
const ctlid = 'pie';
const addClass = 'fc-column-selected-icon';
const removeClass = 'fc-column-icon';
const addClassToggle = 'fc-pie-icon';
const removeClassToggle = 'fc-pie-selected-icon';
this.AddSelectedClass(ctlid,, addClass, removeClass, addClassToggle, removeClassToggle);
PieInitialized($event) {
InitializeSelectedClass() {
const controls: string[] = ['line', 'column', 'pie', 'scatter'];
// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-for-of
for (let i = 0; i < controls.length; i++) {
const ctl = document.getElementById(controls[i]);
this.renderer.setElementClass(ctl, 'fc-' + controls[i] + '-selected-icon', true);
AddSelectedClass(ctrl, target, addClass, removeClass, addClassToToggle, removeClassToToggle) {
const ctl = document.getElementById(ctrl);
this.renderer.setElementClass(, addClass, true);
this.renderer.setElementClass(, removeClass, false);
this.renderer.setElementClass(ctl, addClassToToggle, true);
this.renderer.setElementClass(ctl, removeClassToToggle, false);
LineChange(chart) {
if (chart === 'line') {
const ctlid = 'toggle-line';
const addClass = 'fc-line-selected-icon';
const removeClass = 'fc-line-icon';
const addClassToggle = 'fc-column-icon';
const removeClassToggle = 'fc-column-selected-icon';
this.AddSelectedClass(ctlid,, addClass, removeClass, addClassToggle, removeClassToggle);
} else {
const ctlid = 'line';
const addClass = 'fc-column-selected-icon';
const removeClass = 'fc-column-icon';
const addClassToggle = 'fc-line-icon';
const removeClassToggle = 'fc-line-selected-icon';
this.AddSelectedClass(ctlid,, addClass, removeClass, addClassToggle, removeClassToggle);
LineInitialized($event) {
ColumnChange(chart) {
if (chart === 'column2d') {
const ctlid = 'toggle-column';
const addClass = 'fc-column-selected-icon';
const removeClass = 'fc-column-icon';
const addClassToggle = 'fc-pie-icon';
const removeClassToggle = 'fc-pie-selected-icon';
this.AddSelectedClass(ctlid,, addClass, removeClass, addClassToggle, removeClassToggle);
} else {
const ctlid = 'column';
const addClass = 'fc-pie-selected-icon';
const removeClass = 'fc-pie-icon';
const addClassToggle = 'fc-column-icon';
const removeClassToggle = 'fc-column-selected-icon';
this.AddSelectedClass(ctlid,, addClass, removeClass, addClassToggle, removeClassToggle);
ColumnInitialized($event) {
ScatterChange(chart) {
if (chart === 'scatter') {
this.scatterChartHeader = 'Market Value Vs Book Value by Rating Group';
const ctlid = 'bubble';
const addClass = 'fc-scatter-selected-icon';
const removeClass = 'fc-scatter-icon';
const addClassToggle = 'fc-bubble-icon';
const removeClassToggle = 'fc-bubble-selected-icon';
this.AddSelectedClass(ctlid,, addClass, removeClass, addClassToggle, removeClassToggle);
} else {
this.scatterChartHeader = 'Market Value,Book Value and Revenue by Rating Group';
const ctlid = 'scatter';
const addClass = 'fc-bubble-selected-icon';
const removeClass = 'fc-bubble-icon';
const addClassToggle = 'fc-scatter-icon';
const removeClassToggle = 'fc-scatter-selected-icon';
this.AddSelectedClass(ctlid,, addClass, removeClass, addClassToggle, removeClassToggle);
this.scatterchartdata = ScatterChartComponent.ChangeType(chart, this.selectedCountry, this.selectedClass, this.selectedRatingGroup);
ScatterInitialized($event) {
Here, you are defining methods for various functionalities, like displaying pie charts and line charts.
2. Next, you have to create component specs. Create app.component.spec.ts file. Insert these lines:
import { TestBed, async } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { RouterTestingModule } from '@angular/router/testing';
import { DataStoreComponent } from './app.component';
describe('AppComponent', () => {
beforeEach(async(() => {
imports: [
declarations: [
it('should create the app', () => {
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DataStoreComponent);
const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
it(`should have as title 'InvestmentPortfolio'`, () => {
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DataStoreComponent);
const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
it('should render title in a h1 tag', () => {
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DataStoreComponent);
const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;
expect(compiled.querySelector('h1').textContent).toContain('Welcome to InvestmentPortfolio!');
3. Now, you have to import the required modules for your dashboard. Create app.module.ts file and insert these codes:
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule, enableProdMode} from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { DataStoreComponent } from './app.component';
import { FusionChartsModule } from 'angular-fusioncharts';
import * as FusionCharts from 'fusioncharts';
import * as Charts from 'fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts';
import * as FusionMaps from 'fusioncharts/fusioncharts.maps';
import * as World from 'fusioncharts/maps/';
import * as FusionTheme from 'fusioncharts/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fusion';
import * as Countries from 'fusionmaps/maps/fusioncharts.worldwithcountries';
import {HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http';
FusionChartsModule.fcRoot(FusionCharts, Charts, FusionTheme, World, FusionMaps, Countries);
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [DataStoreComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Here, you are importing various modules, including FusionChartsModule and NgModule.
4. Then you have to define the routing. Create the app-routing.module.ts file and add these codes:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
const routes: Routes = [];
imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }
5. Create json-typings.d.ts file and insert these lines:
declare module "*.json" {
const value: any;
export default value;