
A Beginner’s Guide To Charts

When done right, data charts tell a story. They help you analyze data and uncover hidden patterns. Charts make complex information easy to understand. They convey your information effectively without being threatening or difficult to decipher. In this post, you will find a beginner’s guide to charts. You will also find the best tool for charting. Now, let’s dive in.

What is a chart?

A chart is a visual representation of data. Charting helps you visually present large data sets effectively.  By visualizing information in a chart, you can grasp comparisons and trends faster than ever before. As a result, you can uncover valuable insights more easily than you could with raw data.

Types of Charts

There are four common types of charts:
  1. Bar chart: A bar chart is a rectangular bar that summarizes a set of categorical data.
  2. Line chart: A line chart represents data that changes over time.
  3. Pie Chart: A pie chart is a circular graph that uses pie slices to display relative sizes of data.
  4. Histogram: A histogram is a visual representation of data that uses bars of different heights to show frequency distributions.

Importance of Charts

Charts serve several important purposes. They
  • Provide a visual representation of data that is easy to understand
  • Help you effectively clarify complex information
  • Help you easily depict relationships between data
  • Enable you to conveniently identify important trends
  • Give you the information you need to make informed business decisions

Which is the best tool for charting data?

The best tool for charting data is FusionCharts. It is a JavaScript library that allows you to build beautiful charts.

How FusionCharts can help you to visualize data?

FusionCharts helps you to visualize data interactively. This, in turn, helps your web application to easily uncover valuable insights. It also provides responsive support so you can present your data effectively on all modern devices, including smartphones, tablets, and PCs. In addition, FusionCharts is very easy to use. It provides you with live code examples to help you integrate it with your application in just a few minutes.  , It also has easy-to-follow, comprehensive documentation to help you quickly visualize data in your app.

Code Example

Let’s take a look at a few code examples to give you an idea how FusionCharts can make your life easier. Here is a bar chart built with FusionCharts: To create this bar chart, you have to follow these simple steps: Create a constant, called dataSource. Then create a field, called chart. Then add caption, yaxisname, aligncaptionwithcanvas, plottooltext, and theme.
const dataSource = {
  chart: {
    caption: "Lead sources by industry",
    yaxisname: "Number of Leads",
    aligncaptionwithcanvas: "0",
    plottooltext: "<b>$dataValue</b> leads received",
    theme: "fusion"
2. Then you have to add the label and value of the data.
data: [
      label: "Travel & Leisure",
      value: "41"
      label: "Advertising/Marketing/PR",
      value: "39"
      label: "Other",
      value: "38"
You can view the full code here. 3. Create an anonymous function in FusionCharts.ready(). Create a new variable, called myChart. Add type, renderAt, width, height, dataFormat, and dataSource fields. Finally, you can render the chart.
FusionCharts.ready(function() {
  var myChart = new FusionCharts({
    type: "bar2d",
    renderAt: "chart-container",
    width: "100%",
    height: "100%",
    dataFormat: "json",
As you can see, FusionCharts makes your life easier by enabling you to create charts with less code. So, you can integrate it with your app quickly without hassle.

Should I use FusionCharts to visualize data in charts?

FusionCharts offers over 100 charts, graphs, and gauges to help you visualize data interactively. Your clients will be able to uncover valuable insights easily. Also, you can implement it quickly. As a result, you can boost your productivity. So, you should definitely consider using FusionCharts. FusionCharts is a JavaScript charting library for transforming data into interactive dashboards. Try it now for free.
Md. Ehsanul Haque Kanan

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