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npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-fusionchart-demoThis will create a project folder called svelte-fusionchart-demo with the following directory structure: Your directory contains public, scripts, and src folders. To get moving, you only need to change the code in the App. svelte and main.js files located in the src folder. To do this, type the following at the command line:
cd my-first-svelte-project npm install npm install svelte-fusioncharts fusioncharts --saveThis installs the required node_modules into your project directory.
// General imports for all fusion charts import FusionCharts from "fusioncharts"; import FusionTheme from "fusioncharts/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fusion"; // Required for charts import Charts from "fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts"; // Required for gauges import Widgets from "fusioncharts/fusioncharts.widgets"; // Required for maps import Maps from "fusioncharts/fusioncharts.maps"; import World from "fusioncharts/maps/"; // Required for all types import SvelteFC, { fcRoot } from "svelte-fusioncharts"; // FusionCharts should always be first parameter. You can omit // what is not required fcRoot(FusionCharts, Charts, Maps, World, Widgets, FusionTheme);
// Add data of continents from // Needed for chart and map const continentData = [ { id: "NA", label: "North America", value: "16.3", showLabel: "1" }, { id: "SA", label: "South America", value: "12.0", showLabel: "1" }, { id: "AS", label: "Asia", value: "30.0", showLabel: "1" }, { id: "EU", label: "Europe", value: "6.7", showLabel: "1" }, { id: "AF", label: "Africa", value: "20.3", showLabel: "1" }, { id: "AU", label: "Australia", value: "5.2", showLabel: "1" } ];Also, add the const for captions and sub-captions.
// For captions and subcaptions const caption = "Percentage of Land Area on Planet Earth"; const subcaption = "Data Source:";
// Add color ranges for map and guage const colorRange = { minvalue: "0", code: "#87CEFA", gradient: "1", color: [ { minvalue: "0.0", maxvalue: "5.0", color: "#87CEFA" }, { minvalue: "5.0", maxvalue: "10.0", color: "#87CEEB" }, { minvalue: "10.0", maxvalue: "25.0", color: "#00BFFF" }, { minvalue: "25.0", maxvalue: "100.0", color: "#0000FF" } ] };
// Add chart configuration const chartConfigs = { type: "column2d", height: 400, width: 600, dataFormat: "json", renderAt: "chart-container", dataSource: { chart: { caption: caption, subCaption: subcaption, xAxisName: "Continent", yAxisName: "% Land Area", numberSuffix: "%", theme: "fusion" }, //Include chartData from STEP 2 data: continentData } };
// Add gauge configuration const guageConfigs = { type: "angulargauge", width: "450", height: "200", dataFormat: "json", renderAt: "guage-container", dataSource: { chart: { caption: "Percentage Land Area of Asia", lowerLimit: "0", upperLimit: "100", showValue: "1", numberSuffix: "%", theme: "fusion" }, // Chart Data colorRange: colorRange, dials: {dial: [{value: "30"} ]} } };
// Add map configuration const mapConfigs = { type: "world", // Map type width: "600", // Width of the chart height: "400", // Height of the chart dataFormat: "json", // Data Type renderAt: "map-container", dataSource: { // Map Configuration chart: { caption: caption, subcaption: subcaption, numbersuffix: "%", includevalueinlabels: "1", labelsepchar: " - ", entityFillHoverColor: "#FFF9C4", theme: "fusion" }, colorrange: colorRange, data: continentData } };
<SvelteFC {...chartConfigs}/> <SvelteFC {...guageConfigs}/> <SvelteFC {...mapConfigs} />
import App from "./App.svelte"; var app = new App({ target: document.body }); export default app;
npm run devYou can use localhost in your browser to see the running app. The port for localhost shows on the console when you run the command.
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