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Did you know that there were 32.1 million tweets during the telecast of the final match between Germany and Argentina?

Source: @TwitterData
Conversations around Germany winning the World Cup drove 618,725 TPM

Source: @TwitterData
Mario Götze and Messi were the most mentioned players on Twitter in the finals.

Source: @TwitterData
Want to know how Germany Vs Argentina played out on Twitter?
Check out Twitter’s cool visualization of geotagged Tweets mentioning key terms around the World Cup game.With 35.6 million Tweets, #BRA v #GER was the most-discussed single sports game ever on Twitter.

Source: @TwitterData
Brazil reportedly spent $11 Billion in hosting the 2014 World Cup.

Source: Wallethub
And here are some memorable moments from FIFA World Cup 2014

Source: @FutballTweets
So until 2018, show the world where you’re from… ole ola!