The last release of the product (v2.1) was very significant for us. Working on the feature set in this release has given more prowess to the team to handle time-series data in an efficient way. The way we handle the time axis operations have been generalized further to accommodate the features released now. Some noteworthy development include:

Time axis clipping

The long asked ability to remove the portion of time which is not relevant to a particular case is possible now. Developers will now be able to remove certain sections of time axis which is of no use to them. The remaining plots and time axis will look continuous as before with the same ease of interaction and immersive experience.

This can be useful for people who do not record time throughout. Using this feature you can define your own universe of time. Some evident uses are:

  • Stock trading doesn’t happen on weekends, so cyclic weekends can be clipped from a stock chart.
  • Solar photovoltaic plates do not generate electricity at night, so cyclic time period pertaining to night can be clipped from the time axis.
  • Downtime of a sensor can be clipped on the charts in the control room.

New plots – area range, column range

No more workaround solutions for people who want to plot ranges on time axis! With this release, there will be two types of range plots available – area-range and column-range. These plots can be used to show the spread between maximum and minimum (or highest and lowest) values for a given bin (or time).

Area range
Column range

Caption/Sub-caption position

Previously the positions of caption and sub-caption were limited to the left position only. Now, developers will have the flexibility to place it either at left or at right or at center of the top of the chart.

Scaling and spacing improvements

After these improvements, it feels like the default scaling of yAxis spread in some zoomed states was not at it’s very best. With the improvements which we have done now, the scale of yAxis should adapt better at different zoom levels to give clearer data plot visuals to the consumers of the chart.

Along with this, the spacing among certain components like yAxis has also been improved. It lines with Gestalt’s principle of proximity, these improvements should result in a better comprehensive experience of the time series chart.

What next?

Some components which we will try to improve next includes:

  • Tooltip and macros
  • Legend position

Do you have any suggestions for FusionTime? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us an email at [email protected].

Download the FusionTime v2.0 here. Buy or upgrade here.

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3 responses on “FusionTime v2.1 – Time axis clipping, range plots and more…

  1. Hi guys, the clipping feature (and the clipping cue indicator) is great!

    Do you also plan to add non-repetitive clippings? Meaning single dates that do not repeat at all or do not repeat on the same day (e.g. holidays, maintenance shutdowns, etc.) Thank you.

  2. Hi Gagan, thanks for a quick reply and the provided code sample. It works in my code as well now.