We hate ugly. 0.0376% more than you do. And in our aim to make the world more delightful, or at least a tiny little corner of it, we proudly present to you the FusionCharts Clinic. Bring in the dark spots, rashes, weight problems or the self-confidence issues your dashboard has, and we will cure it for you. Starting this month, we will pick one dashboard every month and give it the FusionCharts Clinic treatment. Here are the main things we will look for and help you cure with your dashboard:
  1. Are you plotting the right metrics for your audience?
  2. Are the metrics laid out in the order of their importance?
  3. Are you using the right charts for the analysis you wish to facilitate? Are they just putting a face to the data, or do they also have the right context built in?
  4. Have you built in the fundamental usability principles in your charts?
  5. Does your dashboard look good? We take this very seriously. Nobody likes ugly.
Think you need help with any of these? Go ahead, enlist for treatment in the FusionCharts clinic.

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From column to donut and radar to gantt, FusionCharts provides with over 100+ interactive charts & 2,000+ data-driven maps to make your dashboards and reports more insightful

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