
How Technology Is Changing How We Treat PHP Chart

We cannot undermine the impact of technology in today’s world regarding PHP Chart. Which is a change occurring in the software engineering industry. The introduction of new software, processing methods, and technologies is beginning to affect the views of software engineers. The PHP Charts is part of what technology is changing, before going into more details, lets look at PHP chart.

What is a PHP Chart?

A PHP chart is a chart or diagram component of PHP that is very strong and simple to deliver quick responses and intelligent and information-driven Ajax HTML5 outlines [1]. A PHP chart does not need a PHP GD or any other graphic library that is different from its source. There is a lousy occurrence amongst charts nowadays. It is a fact their prices are now exorbitant, so languages like Laravel and JavaScript are not open source, thereby not allowing people to use them freely for charts. PHP is not like that, and as it is an open-source network, you can always use it freely without developing any fear of high prices when it comes to using its chart. Using the PHP chart, you can recover information from SQL queries or CSV files. People who use PHP charts always enjoy the experience of using it because they are custom-fitted to their user’s advantage. PHP charts include line charts, stacked column charts, range charts, spline charts, column charts, doughnut charts, bar charts, stock charts, bubble charts, area charts, funnel charts, and pie charts.

What are the Benefits of PHP Chart?

One of the advantages of using PHP charts is that they are not difficult to learn and very easy to use. It is not a chart made for people with higher knowledge, and so, if you have never used a chart before, you can always find it easy to use [2]. Clients who use PHP charts don’t need to have plenty of experience and have reached a height of very high education before they can make use of the charts. One good thing is unlike other networks, that may give you a tough time in learning the charts, thereby making you take a long while. PHP charts do not give you such issues; within a short period, you will have understood the charts, and if you are very skilled, you will become a master in the art of using the charts. Another benefit is that anyone can work with the PHP charts because it is more than manageable. One of its advantages over every other framework is that it is easy and cheap to work with if a framework is open-source. PHP is a programming language that is open source. Therefore, there are assurances about its affordability and simplicity. People who use PHP charts will be able to tremendously save their money which cannot be said for other languages because they are not open-source and therefore not free to use. There is a secured guarantee that when you make use of PHP charts, you will benefit from using it and at the same time save funs that you can keep for other future projects.

What is the Impact of Technology on PHP Chart?

Unlike in the days of old, when programming languages began to evolve, there were a lot of primitive methods when it came to using software technology. Still, now there has been a significant change in the technology industry. Therefore, we will be looking at how technology changed PHP Charts and how it has affected how we treat them.


Technology has brought some changes in the tools of PHP charts, and there is no need stressing while using it. For example, a device has been made to easily stretch a zoom into whatsoever chart you are trying to create. The tool is called Zoom-in and Zoom-out, and all you need to do is press the set cursor button and the zoom tool to stretch the image wide or thin. The Troubleshooting or debugging tools also help you determine the number of plugins you have used. Also, anyone can easily plot charts automatically without interfering with the plotting process. Examples of the plot tools include pie-plot, line-plot, and bar-plot

Animating Charts

One of the impacts that technology brought to the PHP Chart was the invention of animation charts. It makes the process beautiful and more attractive to users who view it. Unlike before, charts do get boring to people because of the several manners in which it is drawn or plotted, but now animation makes them attractive to view. With the evolution of new software methods, you can write a single line of code to enable or disable animation rendering in your PHP Charts.

Control of Charts

When users use PHP Charts and render the charts, there was no way they could change the chart to add anything they might have forgotten to include. Technology has made it easier for users to change or make amends to a PHP chart rendered using JavaScript. This way, they can add details that they omitted from the charts. Knowing how technology has helped to modify the tools used to create PHP Charts, we will be looking at how to create PHP Charts.

How to Create a PHP Chart with FusionCharts?

Since PHP charts are easy to use, you can always use this chart to describe your data. Creating PHP Chart is very easy; all you need to do is get a PHP chart library with which you can make. We would be considering the FusionCharts library to use.

Pie Chart

To draw a pie chart, you need to use the Pie-Plot Tool and the Graph Object; make sure you use an array to set the data for drawing the chart. After you have done that, write the following codes; <?php //Include necessary files to draw line chart require_once ('fusionchart-4.3.5/src/fusionchart.php'); require_once ('fusionchart-4.3.5/src/fusionchart_pie.php'); //Set the data $data = array(10,15,16,23); //Declare the graph object $graph = new PieGraph(400, 250); //Clear all $graph->ClearTheme(); //Set title for the chart $graph->title->Set("Pie Chart"); //Create plot objects $plot = new PiePlot($data); //Add plot $graph->Add($plot); //Draw the chart $graph->Stroke(); ?> The result of the codes will bring out the pie chart.

Line Chart

Repeat the process for the pie chart; only make sure that you use the line-plot tool and write the following codes; <?php //Include necessary files to draw line chart require_once ('fusionchart-4.3.5/src/fusionchart.php'); require_once (' fusionchart-4.3.5/src/fusionchart_line.php'); //Set the data $data = array(10,6,16,23,11,9,5); //Declare the graph object $graph = new Graph(400,250); //Clear all $graph->ClearTheme(); //Set the scale $graph->SetScale('textlin'); //Set the linear plot $linept=new LinePlot($data); //Set the line color $linept->SetColor('green'); //Add the plot to create the chart $graph->Add($linept); //Display the chart $graph->Stroke(); ?> The result of the codes will display the line chart.

Accumulate Bar Charts

You can repeat the same process for this chart. The only change is to use two plot tools, the bar plot tool and the AccBarPlot tool. The codes are as follows; <?php //Include necessary files to draw bar chart require_once ('fusionchart-4.3.5/src/fusionchart.php'); require_once ('fusionchart-4.3.5/src/fusionchart_bar.php'); //Set the data $series1=array(10,60,30,70,25,67,10); $series2=array(34,89,56,12,59,70,23); //Declare object to draw the chart $graph = new Graph(500,300); //Clear all $graph->ClearTheme(); //Set some setting for the chart $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->SetShadow(); $graph->img->SetMargin(80,30,20,50); //Create object and colors for the bar plots $b1plot = new BarPlot($series1); $b1plot->SetFillColor("blue"); $b2plot = new BarPlot($series2); $b2plot->SetFillColor("red"); //Create object for the grouped bar plot $gbplot = new AccBarPlot(array($b1plot, $b2plot)); //Add the plot for the chart $graph->Add($gbplot); //Set title of the chart, x-axis and y-axis $graph->title->Set("Accumulated Bar Chart"); $graph->xaxis->title->Set("Series-1"); $graph->yaxis->title->Set("Series-2"); //Display the graph $graph->Stroke(); ?> ?> The results of the code will display an accumulated bar chart.

Tired? Want to Explore New Options for your PHP Chart?

If you have been stressing yourself with other programming frameworks, you reconsider and use PHP charts because they are easy to use. To get started, you will need to download a FusionCharts library, after which you can continue extracting and drawing your files using the codes above. Let’s start creating your PHP charts with FusionCharts. [1]. https://phpchart.com/ [2]. https://www.scriptcaseblog.net/scriptcase-es/advantages-of-creating-charts-using-php/
Samuel Ola

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