Categories: News & Announcements

Reminiscing a decade of delight

It’s never easy to understand how life’s a journey and not a destination till you take a moment to look back. And when you do, you feel a rush of satisfaction and restlessness all at once. We feel a good measure of both right now, as we pause to reflect on the journey of FusionCharts so far on its tenth birthday. Powering over a billion charts per month with 20,000 customers and 450,000 users in 118 countries is not too bad for what started as a quest for more pocket money. But today, as we allow ourselves a little nostalgia, it is the little things that came along the way that are making us smile. The loss we made on our first sale. The first office we had next to a tilted building. Moving workstations by hand when we finally went to a safer place. Using the boardroom for cutting cakes since we didn’t really know what it was supposed to be for. The time the entire team came together when the world of technology flipped overnight. The Friday evening discussions that stretched on and made sure we had no social lives. The thank you emails from satisfied customers. The time a customer of ours demoed our product at a tradeshow to the visitors for a good 2 hours. We will remember these moments, both sweet and bitter, for the rest of our lives. Of course, none of this would have been possible without all the people who have contributed to FusionCharts in ways big and small. Thank you to the entire FusionCharts team for sharing the common dream and shaping the company to where it is today. Both current and ex team members, you guys are all incredible. Thank you to the customers for believing in our product and reaffirming that with your credit cards and wire transfers. Also, for the kind words that made our day and the criticism that got us back on the road every time we strayed. To all our partners and agencies for sharing our excitement. To all our mentors for valuable advice that no book could teach us. To all our family members for calling us crazy. To anyone and everyone who has touched us in any way, it means a lot. What’s next? That’s the hum constantly buzzing in my mind now. All I know is, there is a lot more waiting to be done. Dreams to be dreamt, and milestones to be charted. All I can say is the journey of FusionCharts has just begun. On behalf of the complete FusionCharts team, Pallav Nadhani Co-founder and CEO
Pallav Nadhani

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