As announced last week, we were at JSFoo, Bangalore, and quite enjoyed chatting with many of the participants, and seeing the growing enthusiasm for JavaScript. Our JavaScript Architect, Shamasis, took stage on Saturday, talking about ‘The Clockworks behind a JavaScript Framework that Powers a Billion Charts per Month’. The talk sparked some interesting discussions, including whether it’s better to learn and implement JavaScript from the roots up, or take the easier route of adopting frameworks. Newbie developers were eager to know how we made decisions at each step of our journey, and how FusionCharts got to where it is. Which we were happy to talk about. The audience was very interested in not just in implementation, but also in data visualization best practices, and how to make data more insightful for end users. Though this wasn’t the focus of our talk this time, and was covered in some other interesting sessions at JSFoo, it did spark ideas for our future talks. For those who we’re at JSFoo, we thought we’d let you in on the action by sharing the slides from Shamasis’ talk. So here goes… If you have any questions, or comments from the slides, you can tweet @shamasis, or just post them below. We’d love to hear what you think. P.S. – Celebrating our 10th birthday, we’ve released a book ‘Not Just Another Pie In The Sky‘ with chock full of amusing stories, and incidents from our illustrious 10 year journey. It’s free for a limited period, so go get it while you can!

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