
Why You Should Spend More Time Thinking About Charts

It won’t be too far-fetched to assert that data is running the world right now. Different enterprises, researchers, analysts, and governments are using it for their varied purposes. Data is a commodity that is becoming increasingly valuable because of the outcomes it can help you reach. However, as much data is in demand, there is an equal scarcity of people who correctly understand data and its statistics. Most people who get what the data is talking about have technical backgrounds or regularly work with it. If communicating data insights and statistics is an essential part of what you do, such people aren’t much of a challenge. Your actual hurdle lies in sharing the data with the layman who isn’t as well-versed with data. Since data is becoming an integral part of almost every job description, you must know the art behind communicating data and its insights. Among the various tools you could use, charts and similar visualizations will be the most prominent. To make it easy for you to work with charts, frameworks like FusionCharts try to provide you with an easy interface so you can embed powerful data charts within your websites seamlessly. This article argues the importance of charts, how they can potentially make or break your relationship with data, and how they help you share your insights with the world.

Why Are Charts Ideal For Communicating Business Ideas?

Charts are perhaps the most basic form of data visualization and, therefore, the most commonly used ones. Teachers use them to teach concepts to young children to benefit from their visual learning capabilities. Similarly, they convey important ideas and insights about some specific set of data at enterprises and corporations. Charts can package complex data insights and trends into a more visually appealing and intelligible way. Charts are used in a variety of different scenarios. For example, the pandemic witnessed medical officials using endless charts to convey better the implications of not following safety protocols. On the other hand, analysts use charts to help executives understand their progress and inform their decision-making. For such distinct use cases, frameworks like FusionCharts provide pre-made examples which you can use as templates for your data visualization needs.

How Does Paying Attention To Charts Help Your Data Strategy?

An integral part of data analysis revolves around asking the right questions to help you gain the insights you are seeking. More often than not, analysts are simply looking through raw columns and rows of data to make sense of it and formulate their questions. However, you can utilize charts to get you fundamental insights that inspire more complex questions. Charts can help you affirm your data strategy and whether the analysis holds. By drawing up simple charts at the start of your analysis, you will better understand the dataset and deal with it. However, charts can also inform your data visualization strategy and help you decide whether they are enough. You may require an assortment of different visualizations beyond charts to communicate insights properly. For such a case, your visualization tool should be able to provide you with a large set of visualizations to choose from, like FusionCharts.

How Can Charts Improve Your Website’s User Experience?

Individually sharing data insights through visualizations is a reasonably standard service that most database and spreadsheet software adequately deliver. However, many people want to display their visualizations on a public platform anyone can access, like a website. For such a use case, it becomes crucial to select a visualization that anyone can easily understand, like charts. With charts, you can give your users a better understanding of the data that you talk about on the website. Integrating charts into your websites will attract more readers than usual, as it seems more inviting than just long blocks of text. By making your charts interactive, you will be amplifying the user experience and ensuring that the reader has gotten sufficiently comfortable with the data you are discussing. If implemented manually, interactive charts can be challenging to bring to life. However, using a framework like FusionCharts massively reduces the problem. It provides you with a simple interface to control your visualization and configure how it will look. The charts you implement will be interactive and user-friendly too. Additionally, FusionCharts is easily integrable into the majority of popular front-end technologies.

Why Should You Choose FusionCharts To Make Charts?

With charts, your data becomes more than just numbers on a spreadsheet or rows and columns in a database. It becomes something you can easily share, explain, and even use to understand itself better. However, it would be best to have the right tool to generate your charts and make them interactive seamlessly. A tool that can help you control the color theme for better visualization and even handle large amounts of data. With a framework like FusionChart, you get to choose from an expansive collection of more than a hundred different kinds of interactive charts. These include basic ones like the column chart to time-series charts for visualizing big data. Additionally, you can export your personalized charts and dashboards in PDF or through email. As your data visualization needs and choice of charts may be ever-changing, FusionCharts has a regular update schedule that brings you exciting new visualizations and features. If you need any help with using any charts, you can reach out to FusionCharts and get personalized service. If you are confused with anything, you could use the examples and pre-made charts provided by FusionCharts.

How Does An Exemplary FusionCharts Implementation Look?

One of the significant advantages of using FusionCharts is integrating your visualizations into your website without technical hassles. It offers robust integrations with all popular front-end development stacks like Angular, Vue, and React. Additionally, you can connect to back-end technologies .NET, Django, and PHP. FusionCharts’ default configurations are based on typical settings, but you can also configure them as per your need. To show you how simply FusionCharts can integrate into your codebase, you can take a look at the following example. Here, we have used FusionCharts to visualize simple JSON data into a straightforward column graph. The example assumes the front-end technology to be React.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import FusionCharts from 'fusioncharts';
import Charts from 'fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts';
import ReactFC from 'react-fusioncharts';
import FusionTheme from 'fusioncharts/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fusion';

ReactFC.fcRoot(FusionCharts, Charts, FusionTheme);

const chartConfigs = {
  type: 'column2d',
  width: 600,
  height: 400,
  dataFormat: 'json',
  dataSource: {/* see data tab */ },

class Chart extends Component {
  render () {
 return <ReactFC {...chartConfigs} />;

  <Chart />,

  "chart": {
 "caption": "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]",
 "subCaption": "In MMbbl = One Million barrels",
 "xAxisName": "Country",
 "yAxisName": "Reserves (MMbbl)",
 "numberSuffix": "K",
 "theme": "fusion"
  "data": [
   "label": "Venezuela",
   "value": "290"
   "label": "Saudi",
   "value": "260"
   "label": "Canada",
   "value": "180"

   "label": "Iran",
   "value": "140"
   "label": "Russia",
   "value": "115"
   "label": "UAE",
   "value": "100"
   "label": "US",
   "value": "30"
   "label": "China",
   "value": "30"
The JSON data that houses the FusionCharts configuration and the data shown is given above. You can specify all the different aspects of naming your chart and its theme through the key-value pairs within the chart key. Ready to share the insights and trends of your data with the world? Head over to FusionCharts and start making beautiful interactive charts today.
Emad Bin Abid

I'm a software engineer who has a bright vision and a strong interest in designing and engineering software solutions. I readily understand that in today's agile world the development process has to be rapid, reusable, and scalable; hence it is extremely important to develop solutions that are well-designed and embody a well-thought-of architecture as the baseline. Apart from designing and developing business solutions, I'm a content writer who loves to document technical learnings and experiences so that peers in the same industry can also benefit from them.

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