
DataStore Methods

createDataTable(data, schema, config, id)

CreatesDataTablein the data store.

  • data: Add values to the DataTable, you can provide the data in both JSON and 2D array format.

  • schema: Schema contains an array which has multiple objects created in it. Each object represents a column in the DataTable.

    "name": "Time", //Column Name
    "type": "date", //It can be text/number/date/interval
    "format": "%-m/%-d/%Y" //Suitable format for rows

  • config: It is an optional argument which contains indexing information, i.e., in which order data should be inserted in the table. If the config is not provided then the DataStore intelligently picks a column to index.
    "enableIndex": true, //default is true
    "indexBy": "Time", //Column Name on which the indexing is applied 
  • id: It is an optional string argument to provide a unique id of the table.

The DataStore automatically sets the id of the data table, if the id is not provided.

appendRows([[],[]], id)

Append rows in the data store. To append rows to a specific data table, specify the id of the table while calling the method. If the id of the DataTable is not specified then the method appendRows keeps on appending rows to the first DataTable of the DataStore.


Fetches the DataTable from the DataStore to render the chart.

To render the chart using specific data table, specify the id of the table while calling the method.

on('eventName', handler|[handlers])

Binds a 'handler' function to an eventName event.

To provide multiple handlers, set the multiple handler functions in an array.

off('eventName', handler|[handlers])

Detach one or more 'handler' functions from eventName event.

To detach all the handlers using eventName event, keep the second argument empty.

trigger('eventName', [data])

Fires an eventName event with optional data.


Disposes the DataStore.

DataTable Methods


Returns the total number of items in the data table.

getData([offset=0], [numberOfItems=row_count])

Returns a JSON data.


    data: [], //2d array in row major format
    schema: [{},{}] //JSON schema
  • The default value of offset argument is 0 or first index.

  • The default value of numberOfItems argument is count - offset.


Returns the minimum value of the specified column.


Returns the maximum value of the specified column.


Returns an array of unique elements of the specified column.


Returns both minimum and maximum value of the specified column.


Returns the schema of the table.

addColumns({}, {}, ....)

Adds one or more columns to the data table.

If the function is not provided in calcFn, addColumns() method will add a column configuration to the schema. The data remains unchanged and the default value of thw column becomes null.


query method perform data operations (like filter, sort, pivot, etc.) on the DataTable. It returns a new DataTable after performing an operation.


Returns the source DataStore object.


Returns the zero based index of the specified column.

on('eventName', handler|[handlers])

Binds a 'handler' function to an eventName event.

To provide multiple handlers, set the multiple handler functions in an array.

off('eventName', handler|[handlers])

Detach one or more 'handler' functions from eventName event.

To detach all the handlers using eventName event, keep the second argument empty.


Disposes the table.

Date Utils

FusionCharts.Utils.duration(DatetimeUnits, number)

Represents the time duration. Example, 2 hours, 3 months, etc

  • FusionCharts.Utils.duration(FusionCharts.Utils.DatetimeUnits.Hour, 2)
  • FusionCharts.Utils.duration(FusionCharts.Utils.DatetimeUnits.Month, 3)

FusionCharts.Utils.before(duration, [date], [isUTC], [weekStartFrom])

Returns a date offset(negative) from the specified duration.

If date argument is not provided, current date is considered and returns the timestamp of the date.

FusionCharts.Utils.after(duration, [date], [isUTC], [weekStartFrom])

Returns a date offset(positive) from the specified duration.

If date argument is not provided, current date is considered and returns timestamp of the date.

Fusioncharts.Utils.parseDate('date in string representation', 'format', [isUTC])

Converts the string representation to timestamp.


let financialYearEnd = parseDate('2018-3-31', '%Y-%m-%d');

Fusioncharts.Utils.formatDate(timestamp, 'format', [isUTC])

Converts the timestamp to an appropriate string representation.


let dateStr = formatDate(1538131630636, '%d %B %Y'); //28 September 2018