Chart Attributes

  • a
  • b
  • c
  • d
  • e
  • f
  • g
  • h
  • i
  • j
  • k
  • l
  • m
  • n
  • o
  • p
  • q
  • r
  • s
  • t
  • u
  • v
  • w
  • x
  • y
  • z
  • Area 2D
  • Bar 2D
  • Bar 3D
  • Box and Whisker 2D
  • Bubble Chart
  • Candlestick Chart
  • Chord
  • Column 2D
  • Column 3D
  • Doughnut 2D
  • Doughnut 3D
  • Drag Node Chart
  • Drag-able Area 2D Chart
  • Drag-able Column 2D Chart
  • Drag-able Line 2D Chart
  • Error Bar Chart
  • Error Line 2D Chart
  • Error Scatter Chart
  • Funnel Chart
  • Gantt Chart
  • Heat Map Chart
  • Horizontal Bullet Graph
  • Horizontal LED
  • Inverse Y-axis Area Chart
  • Inverse Y-axis Column 2D Chart
  • Inverse Y-axis Line 2D Chart
  • Kagi Chart
  • Line 2D
  • Logarithmic Column 2D Chart
  • Logarithmic Line 2D Chart
  • Marimekko
  • Multi-axis Line Chart
  • Multi-level Pie Chart
  • Multi-series 2D Dual Y Combination Chart (Column + Line + Area + Spline)
  • Multi-series 2D Single Y Combination Chart (Column + Line + Area + Spline)
  • Multi-series 3D Dual Y Combination Chart (Column + Line + Area + Spline)
  • Multi-series 3D Single Y Combination Chart (Column + Line + Area + Spline)
  • Multi-series Area 2D
  • Multi-series Bar 2D
  • Multi-series Bar 3D
  • Multi-series Column 2D
  • Multi-series Column 3D
  • Multi-series Column 3D + Line Dual Y Axis
  • Multi-series Column 3D + Line Single Y-axis
  • Multi-series Line 2D
  • Multi-series Spline
  • Multi-series Spline Area
  • Multi-series Stacked Bar 2D
  • Multi-series Stacked Column 2D
  • Multi-series Stacked Column 2D + Line Dual Y Axis
  • Overlapped Column 2D
  • Overlapped Bar 2D
  • Pareto 2D
  • Pareto 3D
  • Pie 2D
  • Pie 3D
  • Pyramid Chart
  • Radar Chart
  • Radial Bar Chart
  • Real-time Angular
  • Real-time Area
  • Real-time Bulb
  • Real-time Column
  • Real-time Cylinder
  • Real-time Horizontal Linear
  • Real-time Line
  • Real-time Line (Dual Y)
  • Real-time Stacked Area
  • Real-time Stacked Column
  • Real-time Thermometer
  • Sankey Diagram
  • Scatter Chart
  • Scroll Area 2D
  • Scroll Bar 2D
  • Scroll Column 2D
  • Scroll Combination 2D (Dual Y)
  • Scroll Combination 2D (Single Y)
  • Scroll Line 2D
  • Scroll Multi-series Stacked Column 2D
  • Scroll Multi-series Stacked Column 2D + Line (Dual Y)
  • Scroll Stacked Bar 2D
  • Scroll Stacked Column 2D
  • Select-scatter Chart
  • Single-series Spline 2D
  • Single-series Spline Area 2D
  • Spark Column
  • Spark Line
  • Spark Win/Loss
  • Stacked 2D Column + Line Single Y-axis
  • Stacked 3D Column + Line Single Y-axis
  • Stacked Area 2D
  • Stacked Area 2D Line Dual Y-axis Chart
  • Stacked Bar 2D
  • Stacked Bar 3D
  • Stacked Column 2D
  • Stacked Column 2D Line Dual Y-axis Chart
  • Stacked Column 3D
  • Stacked Column 3D + Line Dual Y Axis
  • Step Line Charts
  • Sunburst
  • Tree Map Chart
  • Vertical Bullet Graph
  • Vertical LED
  • Waterfall / Cascade Chart
  • Zoom Line
  • Zoom Line Dual Y-axis
  • Zoom Scatter
JavaScript alias: hbullet
See all attributes
  • json
  • xml
    "chart": {
        "lowerLimit": "0",
        "upperLimit": "100",
        "caption": "Monthly Revenue",
        "subcaption": "Actual vs Target<br>Bakersfield Central",
        "numberPrefix": "$",
        "numberSuffix": "K",
        "targetColor": "#8e0000",
        "showHoverEffect": "1",
        "colorRangeFillMix": "{light+0}",
        "valuePadding": "7",
        "theme": "fusion"
    "colorRange": {
        "color": [
                "minValue": "0",
                "maxValue": "50",
                "code": "#e44a00",
                "alpha": "70"
                "minValue": "50",
                "maxValue": "75",
                "code": "#f2c500",
                "alpha": "70"
                "minValue": "75",
                "maxValue": "120",
                "code": "#1aaf5d",
                "alpha": "70"
    "value": "82",
    "target": "90"
<chart lowerlimit="0" upperlimit="100" caption="Monthly Revenue" subcaption="Actual vs Target&lt;br&gt;Bakersfield Central" numberprefix="$" numbersuffix="K" targetcolor="#8e0000" showhovereffect="1" colorrangefillmix="{light+0}" valuepadding="7" theme="fusion">
        <color minvalue="0" maxvalue="50" code="#e44a00" alpha="70" />
        <color minvalue="50" maxvalue="75" code="#f2c500" alpha="70" />
        <color minvalue="75" maxvalue="120" code="#1aaf5d" alpha="70" />

Chart Atributes

Functional Attributes

These attributes let you control a variety of functional elements on the chart. For example, you can opt to show/hide data labels, data values. You can also set chart limits and extended properties.

chart : {
animation : Boolean [+]

This attribute lets you set the configuration whether the chart should appear in an animated fashion. If you do not want to animate any part of the chart, set this as 0.

Range: 0/1

animationDuration : Number [+]

This attribute sets the animation duration of the chart. animationDuration attribute is applicable only if animation of the chart is enabled.

Default value: 1 sec

Range: In seconds

clickURL : URL in FusionCharts format [+]

The entire chart can now act as a hotspot. Use this URL to define the hotspot link for the chart. The link can be specified in FusionCharts Link Format.

palette : Number [+]

Each chart has 5 pre-defined color palettes which you can choose from. Each palette renders the chart in a different color theme.

Range: 1-5

paletteThemeColor : Color [+]

If you want your own palette derived from a particular hex color, you can specify the same here. All other colors on the chart will automatically derive from that palette.

Range: Hex Color Code

showPrintMenuItem : Boolean [+]

Whether to show "Print Chart" item in the context menu of the chart? Even if you opt to hide the item in context menu, you can still opt to invoke print() JavaScript method of the chart to print the same.

Range: 0/1

manageResize : Boolean [+] 3.2

Setting this attribute to 1, you can allow the chart to automatically resize itself when the parent container of the chart is resized.

Range: 0/1

hasRTLText : Number [+] 3.7.0

This attribute, when set to 1, indicates to the chart that the text (rendered on the chart) may contain RTL characters and the textual display has to be managed accordingly.

theme : String [+]

This attribute changes the theme of the chart. There are 7 types of themes which have been made according to the different color combinations.

Range: 'fusion', 'gammel', 'candy', 'ocean', 'zune', 'carbon', 'umber'


These attributes let you set and configure custom chart messages, using text as well as images. These attributes are supported in FusionCharts constructor (FusionCharts({ })).

FusionCharts : {
baseChartMessageFont : String [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set a custom font for all chart messages.

baseChartMessageFontSize : Number [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set a custom font size for all chart messages.

Range: In pixels

baseChartMessageColor : Color [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set a custom font color for all chart messages.

Range: Hex Color Code

baseChartMessageImageHAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

This attribute allows to set a custom horizontal alignment for all images displayed as chart messages.

Default value: middle

Range: left, middle, right

baseChartMessageImageVAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

This attribute allows to set a custom vertical alignment for all images displayed as chart messages.

Default value: middle

Range: top, middle, bottom

baseChartMessageImageAlpha : Number [+] 3.7.0

This attribute allows to set a transparency for all images displayed as chart messages.

Default value: 100

Range: 0 - 100

baseChartMessageImageScale : Number [+] 3.7.0

This attribute allows to set a scale for magnifying all images displayed as chart messages.

Default value: 100

Range: 0-300

loadMessage : String [+] 3.7.0

This attribute allows to set the message to be displayed when a chart begins to load. To display an image as the chart message, prefix I- to the image URL.

loadMessageFont : String [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font for the message displayed when a chart begins to load.

Range: Font Name

loadMessageFontSize : Number [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font size for the message displayed when a chart begins to load.

Range: In pixels

loadMessageColor : Color [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font color for the message displayed when a chart begins to load.

Range: Hex Color Code

loadMessageImageHAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart loadMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom horizontal alignment for the image.

Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageHAlign attribute

Range: left, middle, right

loadMessageImageVAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart loadMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom vertical alignment for the image.

Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageVAlign attribute

Range: top, middle, bottom

loadMessageImageAlpha : Number [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart loadMessage, this attribute allows to set the transparency of the image.

Default value: 100

Range: 0 - 100

loadMessageImageScale : Number [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart loadMessage, this attribute allows to set the scale for magnifying the image.

Default value: 100

Range: 0-300

typeNotSupportedMessage : String [+] 3.7.0

This attribute allows to set the message to be displayed when the specified chart type is not supported. To display an image as the chart message, prefix I- to the image URL.

typeNotSupportedMessageFont : String [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font for the message displayed when the specified chart type is not supported.

Range: Font Name

typeNotSupportedMessageFontSize : Number [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font size for the message displayed when the specified chart type is not supported.

Range: In pixels

typeNotSupportedMessageColor : Color [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font color for the message displayed when the specified chart type is not supported.

Range: Hex Color Code

typeNotSupportedMessageImageHAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart typeNotSupportedMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom horizontal alignment for the image.

Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageHAlign attribute

Range: left, middle, right

typeNotSupportedMessageImageVAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart typeNotSupportedMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom vertical alignment for the image.

Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageVAlign attribute

Range: top, middle, bottom

typeNotSupportedMessageImageAlpha : Number [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart typeNotSupportedMessage, this attribute allows to set the transparency of the image.

Default value: 100

Range: 0 - 100

typeNotSupportedMessageImageScale : Number [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart typeNotSupportedMessage, this attribute allows to set the scale for magnifying the image.

Default value: 100

Range: 0-300

renderErrorMessage : String [+] 3.7.0

This attribute allows to set the message to be displayed if an error is encountered while rendering the chart. To display an image as the chart message, prefix I- to the image URL.

renderErrorMessageFont : String [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set a font for the message displayed if an error is encountered while rendering the chart.

Range: Font Name

renderErrorMessageFontSize : Number [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font size for the message displayed if an error is encountered while rendering the chart.

Range: In pixels

renderErrorMessageColor : Color [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font color for the message displayed if an error is encountered while rendering the chart.

Range: Hex Color Code

renderErrorMessageImageHAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart renderErrorMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom horizontal alignment for the image.

Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageHAlign attribute

Range: left, middle, right

renderErrorMessageImageVAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart renderErrorMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom vertical alignment for the image.

Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageVAlign attribute

Range: top, middle, bottom

renderErrorMessageImageAlpha : Number [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart renderErrorMessage, this attribute allows to set the transparency of the image.

Default value: 100

Range: 0 - 100

renderErrorMessageImageScale : Number [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart renderErrorMessage, this attribute allows to set the scale for magnifying the image.

Default value: 100

Range: 0-300

dataLoadStartMessage : String [+] 3.7.0

This attribute allows to set the message to be displayed when chart data begins loading. To display an image as the chart message, prefix I- to the image URL.

dataLoadStartMessageFont : String [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set a font for the message displayed when chart data begins loading.

Range: Font Name

dataLoadStartMessageFontSize : String [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font size for the message displayed when chart data begins loading.

Range: In pixels

dataLoadStartMessageColor : Color [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font color for the message displayed when chart data begins loading.

Range: Hex Color Code

dataLoadStartMessageImageHAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataLoadStartMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom horizontal alignment for the image.

Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageHAlign attribute

Range: left, middle, right

dataLoadStartMessageImageVAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataLoadStartMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom vertical alignment for the image.

Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageVAlign attribute

Range: top, middle, bottom

dataLoadStartMessageImageAlpha : Number [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataLoadStartMessage, this attribute allows to set the transparency of the image.

Default value: 100

Range: 0 - 100

dataLoadStartMessageImageScale : Number [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataLoadStartMessage, this attribute allows to set the scale for magnifying the image.

Default value: 100

Range: 0-300

dataEmptyMessage : String [+] 3.7.0

This attribute allows to set the message to be displayed if the data loaded for a chart is empty. To display an image as the chart message, prefix I- to the image URL.

dataEmptyMessageFont : String [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font for the message displayed if the data loaded for a chart is empty

Range: Font Name

dataEmptyMessageFontSize : Number [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font size for the message displayed if the data loaded for a chart is empty.

Range: In pixels

dataEmptyMessageColor : Color [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font color for the message displayed if the data loaded for a chart is empty.

Range: Hex Color Code

dataEmptyMessageImageHAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataEmptyMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom horizontal alignment for the image.

Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageHAlign attribute

Range: left, middle, right

dataEmptyMessageImageVAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataEmptyMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom vertical alignment for the image.

Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageVAlign attribute

Range: top, middle, bottom

dataEmptyMessageImageAlpha : Number [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataEmptyMessage, this attribute allows to set the transparency of the image.

Default value: 100

Range: 0 - 100

dataEmptyMessageImageScale : Number [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataEmptyMessage, this attribute allows to set the scale for magnifying the image.

Default value: 100

Range: 0-300

dataLoadErrorMessage : String [+] 3.7.0

This attribute allows to set the message to be displayed if an error is encountered while loading chart data. To display an image as the chart message, prefix I- to the image URL.

dataLoadErrorMessageFont : String [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set a font for the message displayed if an error is encountered while loading chart data.

Range: Font Name

dataLoadErrorMessageFontSize : Number [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font size for the message displayed if an error is encountered while loading chart data.

Range: In pixels

dataLoadErrorMessageColor : Color [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font color for the message displayed if an error is encountered while loading chart data.

Range: Hex Color Code

dataLoadErrorMessageImageHAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataLoadErrorMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom horizontal alignment for the image.

Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageHAlign attribute

Range: left, middle, right

dataLoadErrorMessageImageVAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataLoadErrorMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom vertical alignment for the image.

Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageVAlign attribute

Range: top, middle, bottom

dataLoadErrorMessageImageAlpha : Number [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataLoadErrorMessage, this attribute allows to set the transparency of the image.

Default value: 100

Range: 0 - 100

dataLoadErrorMessageImageScale : Number [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataLoadErrorMessage, this attribute allows to set the scale for magnifying the image.

Default value: 100

Range: 0-300

dataInvalidMessage : String [+] 3.7.0

This attribute allows to set the message to be displayed if the data to be loaded for the chart is invalid. To display an image as the chart message, prefix I- to the image URL.

dataInvalidMessageFont : String [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font for the message displayed if the specified chart data is invalid.

Range: Font Name

dataInvalidMessageFontSize : Number [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font size for the message displayed if the specified chart data is invalid.

Range: In pixels

dataInvalidMessageColor : Color [+] 3.5.0

This attribute allows to set the font color for the message displayed if the specified chart data is invalid.

Range: Hex Color Code

dataInvalidMessageImageHAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataInvalidMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom horizontal alignment for the image.

Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageHAlign attribute

Range: left, middle, right

dataInvalidMessageImageVAlign : String [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataInvalidMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom vertical alignment for the image.

Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageVAlign attribute

Range: top, middle, bottom

dataInvalidMessageImageAlpha : Number [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataInvalidMessage, this attribute allows to set the transparency of the image.

Default value: 100

Range: 0 - 100

dataInvalidMessageImageScale : Number [+] 3.7.0

If an image is displayed as the chart dataInvalidMessage, this attribute allows to set the scale for magnifying the image.

Default value: 100

Range: 0-300

Axis & Tick mark properties

The following attributes configures the Axis and the tick marks on the chart.

chart : {
setAdaptiveYMin : Boolean [+]

This attribute lets you set whether the y-axis lower limit will be 0 (in case of all positive values on chart) or should the y-axis lower limit adapt itself to a different figure based on values provided to the chart.

Range: 0/1

upperLimit : Number [+]

This attribute helps you explicitly set the upper limit of the chart. If you don't specify this value, the chart automatically calculates the lower limit based on the data provided by you.

lowerLimit : Number [+]

This attribute helps you explicitly set the lower limit of the chart. If you don't specify this value, the chart automatically calculates the upper limit based on the data provided by you.

upperLimitDisplay : String [+]

If you want to display a string label instead of the chart upper limit, you can use this attribute.

lowerLimitDisplay : String [+]

If you want to display a string label instead of the chart lower limit, you can use this attribute.

showTickMarks : Boolean [+]

Whether to show tick marks?

Range: 0/1

showTickValues : Boolean [+]

Whether to show tick values?

Range: 0/1

showLimits : Boolean [+]

Whether to show limit values (chart upper and lower limit)?

Range: 0/1

ticksBelowGraph : Boolean [+]

Whether tick marks & values will appear under the graph or above it?

Range: 0/1

tickValueStep : Number [+]

If you want to skip showing every n-th tick value, you can specify it here.

majorTMNumber : Number [+]

Number of major tick marks displayed on the chart. The tick marks of the upper and lower limit will always be displayed.

majorTMColor : Color [+]

Color of the major tick marks.

Range: Hex Color Code

majorTMAlpha : Number [+]

Alpha of the major tick marks.

Range: 0 - 100

majorTMHeight : Number [+]

Height of the major tick marks.

Range: In pixels

majorTMThickness : Number [+]

Thickness of the major tick marks.

Range: In pixels

minorTMNumber : Number [+]

Number of minor tick marks. Minor tick marks refer to the tick marks present in between two major tick marks.

minorTMColor : Color [+]

Color of minor tick marks.

Range: Hex Color Code

minorTMAlpha : Number [+]

Alpha of minor tick marks.

Range: 0 - 100

minorTMHeight : Number [+]

Height of minor tick marks.

Range: In pixels

minorTMThickness : Number [+]

Thickness of minor tick marks.

Range: In pixels

tickMarkDistance : Number [+]

Distance of tick mark from the color range.

Range: In pixels

tickValueDistance : Number [+]

Distance of tick value from tick marks/color range.

Range: In pixels

tickValueDecimals : Number [+]

Number of decimals to which tick values will be rounded to.

forceTickValueDecimals : Boolean [+]

Whether to force number of decimals on tick values?

Range: 0/1

placeTicksInside : Boolean [+]

Whether to place ticks inside the gauge or outside?

Range: 0/1

placeValuesInside : Boolean [+]

Whether to place tick values inside the gauge?

Range: 0/1

adjustTM : Boolean [+]

Whether to automatically adjust number of major tick marks, so as to get best values?

Range: 0/1

Real-time properties

Using these attributes, you can configure the real-time feature.

chart : {
dataStreamURL : URL [+]

This parameter sets the path of the page which is supposed to relay real-time data to the chart. If you've special characters as a part of your data stream URL, like ? or &, you'll need to URL Encode the entire dataStreamURL This page needs to be on the same sub-domain on which the chart is hosted and invoked from.

refreshInterval : Number [+]

For this parameter, you can specify the number of seconds after which the chart will look for new data. This process will happen continuously - i.e., if you specify 5 seconds here, the chart will look for new data every 5 seconds.

dataStamp : String [+]

Constantly changing data stamp that can be added to real time Data URL, so as to maintain a state. Please see the section Real time capabilities > Adding data stamp

showRTMenuItem : Boolean [+]

Whether to show the real-time update related menu items (like Start/Stop Update) in chart's context menu? Note: For JavaScript charts real-time update related menu items do not appear by default. You need to explicitly set 'showRTMenuItem': '1' in the chart object. The menu appears as a button on the bottom-left corner of the JavaScript chart. You can then use the button to Start/Stop Update or Clear chart.

Range: 0/1

Chart captions

Using these attributes, you can set the various headings and titles of chart like caption, sub-caption.

chart : {
caption : String [+]

Caption of the chart.

subCaption : String [+]

Sub-caption of the chart.

Chart Caption Cosmetics

These attributes let you configure the cosmetics of chart caption and sub-caption.

chart : {
captionFontSize : Number [+]

Sets the caption font size in pixels. Besides pixels (px) values can also be defined in rem, %, em, and vw.

Range: 6 - 72

subCaptionFontSize : Number [+]

Sets the sub-caption font size (in pixels). Besides pixels (px) values can also be defined in rem, %, em, and vw.

Range: 6 - 72

captionFont : String [+]

Sets the caption font family

Range: Font Name

subCaptionFont : String [+]

Sets the sub-caption font family

Range: Font Name

captionFontColor : Color [+]

Sets the caption font color

Range: Hex Color Code

subCaptionFontColor : Color [+]

Sets the sub-caption font color

Range: Hex Color Code

captionFontBold : Boolean [+]

Whether the caption font should be displayed in bold

Range: 0/1

subCaptionFontBold : Boolean [+]

Whether the sub caption font should be displayed in bold

Range: 0/1

alignCaptionWithCanvas : Boolean [+]

Whether the caption is aligned with the canvas. Else, it will be aligned with the entire chart area

Range: 0/1

Number Formatting Properties

Using the attributes below, you can control a myriad of options like: Formatting of commas and decimals Number prefixes and suffixes Decimal places to which the numbers will round to Scaling of numbers based on a user defined scale Custom number input formats

chart : {
formatNumber : Boolean [+]

This configuration determines whether the numbers displayed on the chart will be formatted using commas, e.g., 40,000 if 'formatNumber': '1'; and 40000 if 'formatNumber': '0';.

Range: 0/1

numberPrefix : String [+]

Using this attribute, you could add prefix to all the numbers visible on the graph. For example, to represent all dollars figure on the chart, you could specify this attribute to $ to show like $40000, $50000.

numberSuffix : String [+]

Using this attribute, you could add suffix to all the numbers visible on the graph. For example, to represent all figures quantified as per annum on the chart, you could specify this attribute to '/a' to show like 40000/a, 50000/a.

decimals : Number [+]

Number of decimal places to which all numbers on the chart will be rounded to.

forceDecimals : Boolean [+]

Whether to add 0 padding at the end of decimal numbers? For example, if you set decimals as 2 and a number is 23.4. If forceDecimals is set to 1, the number will automatically be converted to 23.40 (note the extra 0 at the end).

Range: 0/1

formatNumberScale : Boolean [+]

Configuration whether to add K (thousands) and M (millions) to a number after truncating and rounding it - e.g., if formatNumberScale is set to 1, 1043 will become 1.04K (with decimals set to 2 places). Same with numbers in millions - an M will be added at the end.

Range: 0/1

defaultNumberScale : String [+]

The default unit of the numbers that you're providing to the chart.

numberScaleUnit : String [+]

Unit of each block of the scale.

numberScaleValue : String [+]

Range of the various blocks that constitute the scale.

forceNumberScale : Boolean [+] 3.9.0

If a data value is less than the lowest given number is the number scale, this attribute forces the lower value of the numberScaleUnit to be applied to that data value. This attribute works only when “formatNumberScale”: “1” and the defaultNumberScale attribute is not defined.

For example, if “numberScaleUnit”: “K, M”, “numberScaleValue”: “1000, 1000”, and “forceNumberScale”: “1”, a data value of 400 will be rendered as 0.40K.

Range: 0/1

scaleRecursively : Boolean [+]

Whether recursive scaling should be applied.

Range: 0/1

maxScaleRecursion : Number [+]

How many recursions to complete during recursive scaling? -1 completes the entire set of recursion.

scaleSeparator : String [+]

What character to use to separate the scales that are generated after recursion?

decimalSeparator : String [+]

This attribute helps you specify the character to be used as the decimal separator in a number.

thousandSeparator : String [+]

This attribute helps you specify the character to be used as the thousands separator in a number.

thousandSeparatorPosition : Number [+] 3.2 - SR1

This option helps you specify the position of the thousand separator.

inDecimalSeparator : String [+]

In some countries, commas are used as decimal separators and dots as thousand separators. In XML/JSON, if you specify such values, it will give an error while converting to number. The chart accepts the input decimal and thousand separators from user, so that it can convert it accordingly into the required format. This attribute lets you input the decimal separators.

inThousandSeparator : String [+]

In some countries, commas are used as decimal separators and dots as thousand separators. In XML/JSON, if you specify such values, it will give an error while converting to number. The chart accepts the input decimal and thousand separators from user, so that it can convert it accordingly into the required format. This attribute lets you input the thousand separators.

Data Plot properties

These attributes let you configure how your plot will appear on the chart.

chart : {
showValue : Boolean [+]

Whether to show the value for the chart?

Range: 0/1

plotAsDot : Boolean [+]

Whether to plot the value as bar or as dot?

Range: 0/1

plotFillPercent : Number [+]

Width percent of the color range that the plot fill bar should occupy.

Range: 0 - 100

plotFillColor : Color [+]

Fill color for the plot bar.

Range: Hex Color Code

plotFillAlpha : Number [+]

Fill alpha for the plot bar. If you've opted to fill the plot (column, area etc.) as gradient, this attribute lets you set the fill alpha for gradient.

Range: 0 - 100

showPlotBorder : Boolean [+]

Whether to show border for the bar? This attribute is used to show or hide the plot border and it is configurable at the chart instance, data plot, and data-series levels.

Range: 0/1

plotBorderColor : Color [+]

Border color for the bar. This attribute is used to specify the color for the plot border at the chart instance level.

Range: Hex Color Code

plotBorderThickness : Number [+]

Border thickness for the bar. This attribute is used to specify the thickness for the plot border at chart instance, data plot, and data-series levels.

Range: In pixels

plotBorderAlpha : Number [+]

Border alpha for the bar. This attribute is used to specify the opacity for the plot border at the chart instance level, data plot, and data-series levels.

Range: 0 - 100

target : Number [+]

Sets a vertical target line for the bullet.

Range: Between minValue & maxValue

targetColor : Color [+]

Color for the target line.

Range: Hex Color Code

targetThickness : Number [+]

Thickness for the target line.

Range: In pixels

targetFillPercent : Number [+]

Width percent of the color range that the target fill bar should occupy.

Range: 0 - 100

targetCapStyle : String [+] 3.11.0

This attribute specifies the shape to be used for the ends of the target line.

Default value : round

Range: 'round','square','butt','inherit'

The color Object and The colorRange Object

The colorRange object and the color object (child of the colorRange object) are used to define numeric ranges or categories and the colors associated with the numeric ranges. The colorRange object does not have any attributes of its own. The attributes used with the color object are mentioned below:

chart : {
alpha : Number [+]

Sets the transparency of each range in the color range.

Range: 0 - 100

colorRangeFillMix : String [+]

This attribute specifies the gradient fill formula for the color range. Example: {light-10},{light-20},{light-60}

Note: This attribute is not supported in IE8

colorRangeFillRatio : Numbers separated by comma [+]

This attribute sets the ratio of each color separated by comma using colorRangeFillMix attribute.

showColorRangeBorder : Boolean [+]

Whether to show border for color range?

Range: 0/1

colorRangeBorderColor : Color [+]

Border color for the color range.

Range: Hex Color Code

colorRangeBorderThickness : Number [+]

Border thickness for the color range.

Range: In pixels

colorRangeBorderAlpha : Number [+]

Border alpha for the color range.

Range: 0 - 100

showShadow : Boolean [+]

Whether to apply the shadow effect for color range?

Range: 0/1

maxValue : Number [+]

Indicates the end value of that color range. The maxValue of the last color range should be equal to the chart's upperLimit.

minValue : Number [+]

Indicates the starting value of that color range. The minValue of the first color range should be equal to the chart's lowerLimit and the minValue of the succeeding color range should be equal to the current color object's maxValue.

value : Number [+]

Sets the value of the range.

Range: Between minValue & maxValue

Chart Cosmetics

The following attributes let you configure chart cosmetics like background color, background alpha, canvas color & alpha etc.

chart : {
bgColor : Color [+]

This attribute sets the background color for the chart. You can set any hex color code as the value of this attribute. To specify a gradient as background color, separate the hex color codes of each color in the gradient using comma. Example: #FF5904, #FFFFFF.

Range: Hex Color Code

bgAlpha : Number [+]

Sets the alpha (transparency) for the background. If you've opted for gradient background, you need to set a list of alpha(s) separated by comma.

Range: 0 - 100

bgRatio : Numbers separated by comma [+]

If you've opted for a gradient background, this attribute lets you set the ratio of each color constituent.

bgAngle : Number [+]

Angle of the background color, in case of a gradient.

Range: 0-360

showBorder : Boolean [+]

Whether to show a border around the chart or not?

Range: 0/1

borderColor : Color [+]

Border color of the chart.

Range: Hex Color Code

borderThickness : Number [+]

Border thickness of the chart.

Range: In pixels

borderAlpha : Number [+]

Border alpha of the chart.

Range: 0 - 100

bgImage : String [+]

To place any image (JPG/PNG/GIF) as background of the chart, enter the (path and) name of the background image. It should be in the same domain as the chart.

bgImageAlpha : Number [+]

This attribute specifies the opacity for the loaded background image.

Range: 0 - 100

bgImageDisplayMode : String [+] 3.2

Helps you specify the mode in which the background image is to be displayed. Stretch - expands the image to fit the entire chart area, without maintaining original image constraints. Tile - the image is repeated as a pattern on the entire chart area. Fit - fits the image proportionately on the chart area. Fill -proportionately fills the entire chart area with the image. Center - the image is positioned at the center of the chart area. None - Default mode.

Range: 'stretch', 'tile', 'fit', 'fill', 'center', 'none'

bgImageVAlign : String [+] 3.2

Helps you to vertically align the background image.

Range: 'top', 'middle', 'bottom'

bgImageHAlign : String [+] 3.2

Helps you to horizontally align the background image.

Range: 'left', 'middle', 'right'

bgImageScale : Number [+] 3.2

Helps you magnify the background image. This attribute will only work when the attribute bgImageDisplayMode is set to none, center, or tile.

Range: 0-300

logoURL : String [+]

You can load an external logo (JPEG/PNG) to your chart, this attribute lets you specify the URL. Due to cross domain security restrictions it is advised to use a logo from the same domain name as your charts.

logoLeftMargin : Number [+]

This attribute helps you set the amount of empty space that you want to put on the left side of your logo image. Nothing is rendered in this space.

Range: In Pixels

logoTopMargin : Number [+]

This attribute helps you set the amount of empty space that you want to put on top of your logo image. Nothing is rendered in this space.

Range: In Pixels

logoPosition : String [+]

Where to position the logo on the chart: TL - Top-left TR - Top-right BR - Bottom right BL - Bottom left CC - Center of screen

Range: 'TL', 'TR', 'BL', 'BR', 'CC'

logoAlpha : Number [+]

Once the logo has loaded on the chart, you can configure its opacity using this attribute.

Range: 0 - 100

logoScale : Number [+]

You can also change the size of externally loaded logo at run-time by specifying a value for this parameter.

Range: 0 - 100

logoLink : String [+]

If you want to link the logo to an external URL, specify the link in this attribute. The link can be in FusionCharts link format, allowing you to link to new windows, pop-ups, frames etc.

Data Value Cosmetics

These attributes let you configure font, background and border cosmetics, of value text-field that appear for each data plot.

chart : {
valueFont : String [+]

Sets the font of the values in the chart

Range: Font Name

valueFontColor : Color [+]

Specifies the value font color

Range: Hex Color Code

valueFontSize : Number [+]

Specifies the value font size. Besides pixels (px) values can also be defined in rem, %, em, and vw.

Range: 6 - 72

valueFontBold : Boolean [+]

Whether value font should be bold

Range: 0/1

valueFontItalic : Boolean [+]

Whether value font should be italicized

Range: 0/1

valueBgColor : Color [+]

Sets the background color for value text

Range: Hex Color Code

valueBorderColor : Color [+]

Sets the border color around the value text

Range: Hex Color Code

valueAlpha : Number [+]

Sets the value alpha including font and background

Range: 0 - 100

valueFontAlpha : Number [+]

Sets the value font alpha

Range: 0 - 100

valueBgAlpha : Number [+]

Sets the value background alpha

Range: 0 - 100

valueBorderAlpha : Number [+]

Sets the value border alpha

Range: 0 - 100

valueBorderThickness : Number [+]

Sets the value border thickness

Range: In Pixels

valueBorderPadding : Number [+]

Sets the padding between the value and its surrounding border

Range: In Pixels

valueBorderRadius : Number [+]

Sets the value border radius

Range: In Pixels

valueBorderDashed : Boolean [+]

Whether the border around the data values should be rendered using dashed lines.

Default value: 0 (border rendered using straight lines)

Range: 0/1

valueBorderDashLen : Number [+]

Sets the length of each dash when the border around the data values is rendered using dashed lines.

Range: In pixels

valueBorderDashGap : Number [+]

Sets the gap between two consecutive dashes when the border around the data values is rendered using dashed lines.

Range: In pixels

textOutline : Boolean [+] 3.14.0

Set this attribute to 1 to draw a border on the data value text.

Default value: 0

Range: 0/1

Font Properties

Using the attributes below, you can define the generic font properties for all the text on the chart. These attributes allow you a high level control over font properties. If you intend to specify font properties for individual chart elements (like Caption, sub-caption etc.), you'll need to use the Styles feature. Using Styles, you can also specify advanced font properties like Bold, Italics, HTML Mode etc. Using Styles you can also configure real-time values.

chart : {
baseFont : String [+]

This attribute lets you set the font face (family) of all the text (data labels, values etc.) on chart. If you specify outCnvBaseFont attribute also, then this attribute controls only the font face of text within the chart canvas bounds.

Range: Font Name

baseFontSize : Number [+]

This attribute sets the base font size of the chart i.e., all the values and the names in the chart which lie on the canvas will be displayed using the font size provided here. Besides pixels (px) values can also be defined in rem, %, em, and vw.

baseFontColor : Color [+]

This attribute sets the base font color of the chart i.e., all the values and the names in the chart which lie on the canvas will be displayed using the font color provided here.

Range: Hex Color Code

Tooltip Attributes

These attributes let you control the tooltip. You can set the background color, border color, separator character and few other details.

chart : {
showToolTip : Boolean [+]

Whether to show tooltip for the chart?

Range: 0/1

toolTipBgColor : Color [+]

Background color for the tooltip

Range: Hex Color Code

toolTipColor : Color [+]

Font color for the tooltip.

Range: Hex Color Code

toolTipBorderColor : Color [+]

Border Color for the tooltip.

Range: Hex Color Code

tooltipBorderAlpha : Number [+]

Sets the border transparency for tool tip.

Range: 0 - 100

showToolTipShadow : Boolean [+]

Whether to show shadow for tooltips.

Range: 0/1

plottooltext : String [+]

Specify custom text for the tooltip

You can either specify a constant string as the tooltip text or you can use variable values from the data level by prefixing a $ to the attribute name, for example, $name, $value.

tooltipPosition : String [+]

Configure the tooltip's position.

Range: auto, top and bottom

Toolbar Attributes

Using this set of attributes, you can customize the toolbar on the chart. The advantage of having a toolbar is that it manages all the UI action elements (context menus, checkboxes, buttons) centrally. This provides a clean, uniform look and a better, more meaningful and logical grouping.

chart : {
toolbarPosition : String [+] 3.11.3

Where to position the toolbar on the chart: TL - Top-left TR - Top-right BR - Bottom right BL - Bottom left CC - Center of screen

Range: TL, TR, BL, BR, CC

toolbarX : Number [+] 3.11.3

Sets the toolbox position on the chart with respect to x-axis.

toolbarY : Number [+] 3.11.3

Sets the toolbox position on the chart with respect to y-axis.

toolbarHAlign : String [+] 3.11.3

Sets the horizontal alignment of the toolbar on the chart.

Range: Left, Right

toolbarVAlign : String [+] 3.11.3

Sets the vertical alignment of the toolbar on the chart

Range: Top, Bottom

toolbarButtonColor : Color [+]

Sets the color of the toolbar buttons.

Range: Any (color code without the # prefix)

showToolBarButtonTooltext : Boolean [+]

Enables/disables display of tooltips for toolbar buttons.

Range: 0/1

toolbarButtonScale : Number [+]

You can change the scale of the toolbar by specifying a value for this attribute.

Attributes for Exporting Charts

These attributes allow you to control the saving of chart as image, SVG or XLSX.

chart : {
exportEnabled : Boolean [+]

Whether the chart will allow exporting to images, PDFs, SVG, XLSX or CSV format.

Default value: 0

Range: 0/1

exportAction : String [+]

In case of server-side exporting, the action specifies whether the exported image will be sent back to client as download, or whether it'll be saved on the server.

Default value: download

Range: 'save' or 'download'

exportHandler : String [+]

In case of server side exporting, this refers to the path of the server-side export handler (the ready-to-use scripts that we provide).

exportFormats : String [+]

Lets you configure what output formats to allow for export of chart, in the export context menu, and also customize the label for each menu item. The attribute value should be a pipe (|) delimited separated key-value pair. Example: exportFormats: 'PNG=Export as High Quality Image&#124;JPG&#124;PDF=Export as PDF File'

exportMode : String [+] 3.12.1

This attributes sets the modes of export. To enable client-side exporting, set this attribute to client.

Default value: auto.

Note: Starting v3.12.1, the exportMode attribute replaces the exportAtClientSide attribute. However, you don’t need to make any changes to the existing setup because, the FusionCharts library comes with the proper mapping already provided.

exportShowMenuItem : Boolean [+]

Whether the menu items related to export (e.g., Save as JPEG etc.) will appear in the context menu of chart.

Range: 0/1

exportTargetWindow : String [+]

In case of server-side exporting and when using download as action, this lefts you configure whether the return image, PDF, SVG or XLSX will open in same window (as an attachment for download), or whether it will open in a new window.

Default value: _self

Range: '_self' or '_blank'

exportFileName : String [+]

Using this attribute you can specify the name (excluding the extension) of the output (export) file.

Data Plot Hover Effects

If you wish to show an effect on the data plot (column, line anchor, pie etc.) when the user hovers his mouse over the data plot, these attributes let you configure the cosmetics of the hover for all data plots in the chart.

chart : {
showHoverEffect : Boolean [+]

Whether to enable hover effect on charts for all elements

Range: 0/1

plotHoverEffect : Boolean [+]

Whether to enable hover effect on charts for data plots (e.g., column, pie) only

Range: 0/1

plotFillHoverColor : Color [+]

Specifies the hover color for the data plots

Range: Hex Color Code

plotFillHoverAlpha : Number [+]

Specifies the hover alpha for data plots

Range: 1 - 100

showHoverAnimation : Boolean [+]

This attribute animates the plot when hovered.

Range: 0/1

targetHoverColor : Color [+]

Sets the color for the target line when hovered.

Range: Hex color code

targetHoverAlpha : Number [+]

This attribute sets the transparency for the target line when hovered.

Range: 0 - 100

targetHoverThickness : Number [+]

This attribute sets the thickness for the target line when hovered.

Range: In pixels

showPlotBorderOnHover : Boolean [+]

Sets whether to show the border for the bar when hovered.

Range: 0/1

plotBorderHoverColor : Color [+]

This attribute sets the border color of the plot when hovered.

Range: Hex color code

plotBorderHoverAlpha : Number [+]

This attribute sets the transparency of plot border when hovered.

Range: 0 - 100

plotBorderHoverThickness : Number [+]

This attribute sets the thickness of plot border when hovered.

Range: In pixels

Chart Paddings & Margins

The following attributes help you control chart margins and paddings. FusionCharts Suite XT allows you manually customize the padding of various elements on the chart to allow advanced manipulation and control over chart visualization. Padding in FusionCharts Suite XT is always defined in pixels, unless the attribute itself suggests some other scale (like plotSpacePercent, which configures the spacing using percentage values). You can also define the chart margins. Chart Margins refer to the empty space left on the top, bottom, left and right of the chart. It's not necessary for you to specify any padding/margin values. FusionCharts Suite XT automatically assumes the best values for the same, if you do not specify the same.

chart : {
captionPadding : Number [+]

This attribute lets you control the horizontal space (in pixels) between the caption and left side of chart canvas.

Range: In pixels

valuePadding : Number [+]

Distance between the value box and chart canvas.

Range: In pixels

chartLeftMargin : Number [+]

Amount of empty space that you want to put on the left side of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space.

Range: In pixels

chartRightMargin : Number [+]

Amount of empty space that you want to put on the right side of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space.

Range: In pixels

chartTopMargin : Number [+]

Amount of empty space that you want to put on the top of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space.

Range: In pixels

chartBottomMargin : Number [+]

Amount of empty space that you want to put at the bottom of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space.

Range: In pixels
