A legend is a chart element used to display the series name for each dataset, in case of multi-series or combination charts. Legends are used to correlate a data plot to its series name using its color.
Legends are not applicable to single series charts.
In the following image, the legend of chart rendered below the x-axis helps identify the data plots corresponding to a series name. Each series is represented by its own icon in the legend.
Show/Hide the Legends#
To show/hide the legends, set the showLegend
attribute to 1/0. The default value of this attribute is 1
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"showLegend": "1"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
In the chart shown above, when you click the legend icon for Last Year, all data plots in blue, (showing the quarterly revenue for the last year) are hidden.
Show/Hide Data Plots via the Legend#
With FusionCharts Suite XT, show/hide the data plots belonging to a data series by clicking the corresponding legend icon. The chart legend interaction can also be disabled using interactiveLegend
attribute. The default value of this attribute is 1
. Let's check out a sample without the interactive legend.
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"interactiveLegend": "0"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
Highlight a Data Series via the Legend#
Hover the mouse pointer over a legend text to highlight corresponding data plots in the chart. Whenever you do this, the chart reduces the opacity of the data plots belonging to other data series, making the one you hover on stand out prominently.
To enable this feature, set the plotHighlightEffect
attribute to fadeout
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"plotHighlightEffect": "fadeout"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
In the chart shown above, when the mouse pointer hovers over the legend text This Year, the data plots in blue (corresponding to Last Year) fade out, and the data plots in green (corresponding to This Year) are highlighted.
Customize the Highlight Effect#
Instead of just reducing the opacity of the data plots that don't correspond to the hovered over legend text, you can customize a different effect.
Define plotHighlightEffect
attribute in the following format, to customize the highlight effect:
Always set effectName
to fadeout
. Use confStr
, a comma-separated list of customization properties for the effect. Use the following attributes to see the difference:
Specify the hex code for the data plot fill color using the
attribute.Specify the transparency of the data plots using the
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"plotHighlightEffect": "fadeout|color=#7f7f7f, alpha=60"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
In the above chart, when you hover the mouse pointer over the legend text This Year, data plots belonging to the Last Year data series are grayed out.
For the above chart, the attribute has been defined as shown below:
"plotHighlightEffect": "fadeout|color=#7f7f7f, alpha=60"
Use the following attributes to customize the border while highlight effect is set:
Specify the hex code for the plot border color using the
attribute.Specify the transparency of the plot border using the
attribute. If you don't include this attribute into the configuration string, then it takes the value assigned to the attributealpha
(in the configuration string, as shown above).
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"showplotBorder": "1",
"plotHighlightEffect": "fadeout|borderColor=ff0000, borderAlpha=50"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
Use the following attributes to customize the background of the anchor:
Specify the hex code for the anchor background color using the
attribute. If you don't include this attribute into the configuration string, then it takes the value assigned to the attributecolor
(in the configuration string, as shown above).Specify the transparency of the anchor background using the
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"plotHighlightEffect": "fadeout|anchorBgColor=ff0000, anchorBgAlpha=50"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
The attributes to customize the values of highlight effect are:
Specify the hex code for the data value background color using the
attribute.Specify the hex code for the data value border color using the
attribute.Specify the hex code for the data value font color using the
attribute. If you don't include this attribute into the configuration string, then it takes the value assigned to the attributecolor
(in the configuration string, as shown above).
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"showplotBorder": "1",
"plotHighlightEffect": "fadeout|alpha=60, valueBgColor=#ff0000, valueBorderColor=#3a4660, valueFontColor=#000000"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
Set the Legend Position#
Use the following attributes to set legend position:
Specify the position of the legend using the
attribute. You can set its value to one of the following, to position the legend likewise with respect to the chart -bottom
, orabsolute
.If you set the value of
, you also need to set the coordinates for the legend using the attributeslegendXPosition
, both of which accept absolute or percentage values.Set the
attribute to 1 to make the legend draggable.
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"legendPosition": "top-right",
"legendAllowDrag": "1"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
Set Legend Coordinates#
When you set the value of the legendPosition
attribute to absolute
, you need to manually set the coordinates of the legend. Use the following attributes to do so:
Set the value of the X-coordinate of the legend in pixels using the attribute
. This attribute accepts values between0
and the width of the chart.Set the value of the Y-coordinate of the legend in pixels using the attribute
. This attribute accepts values between0
and the height of the chart.
Note that if you set the value of the legendPosition
attribute to absolute
but do not specify the values of legendXPosition
and legendYPosition
, the values of these attributes are set to 0
by default.
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"legendPosition": "absolute",
"legendXPosition": "700",
"legendYPosition": "420"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
Configure Legend Icon Size#
Specify the legend icon size using the legendIconScale
attribute. You can control the size of legend icon with values from 1
(100%) to 5
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"legendIconScale": "2"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
Draw a Custom Legend Icon Shape#
Use the following attributes to draw a custom chart legend icon shape:
- Set the
attribute to1
to enable drawing of a custom legend icon. All other legend icon customization attributes work only if you enable this feature.
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"drawCustomLegend": "1"
By default, the background color of the icons are same as that of the plot colors. Specify the hex color code for the background of the legend icon using the
attribute.Set the legend icon transparency using the
attribute. It takes values between0
(transparent) and100
(opaque; default).Set the legend icon background transparency using the
attribute. It takes values between0
(transparent) and100
(opaque; default).Set the thickness of the legend icon border using the
attribute.Specify the hex color code for the border of the legend icon using the
attribute. By default, it takes the data plot fill color.
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"legendIconBgColor": "#ff0000"
"legendIconAlpha": "50",
"legendIconBgAlpha": "30",
"legendIconBorderColor": "#123456",
"legendIconBorderThickness": "3"
Set the number of sides for the legend icon using the
attribute.Set the starting angle for drawing the legend icon using the
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"legendIconSides": "5",
"legendIconStartAngle": "60"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
Set Number of Rows/Columns in the Legend#
When a legend has a large number of items, you can mention the number of rows and columns the legend should display, so that all legend items can be displayed without cluttering the canvas. If the number of rows are less than the total number of items, a vertical scroll bar appears to help you scroll through the items. Whereas if the number of columns are less than the total number of items, a horizontal scroll bar appears to help you scroll through the items.
Refer to the code given below:
"chart": {
"legendNumRows": "3",
"legendNumColumns": "3"
The legend in a chart with number of rows set to 3 looks like as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
Now, let's set the value of legendNumRows
attribute to 3 and the value of legendNumColumns
attribute to 3. A zoom scatter chart looks like as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
In the above chart, even if the value of legendNumRows
attribute is set to 3, the number of rows displayed is 2 whereas the number of columns have changed to 3. For the legends, legendNumColumns
attribute gets the higher priority than legendNumRows
. So, in the above sample when the value of legendNumColumns
is set to 3, the chart sets the legend icons according to the attribute.
Customize Legend Scroll Bar#
If you have multiple data items in a multi-series chart, the legend of chart automatically displays a scroll bar. Use the legendScrollBgColor
attribute to specify the background color of the scroll bar.
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"legendScrollBgColor": "#f0000f"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
Configure Legend Width#
You can choose the Legend container's width by using the legendWidth
Refer to the code below:
chart: {
caption: "Split of Revenue by Product Categories",
subCaption: "Last year",
numberPrefix: "$",
startingAngle: "310",
defaultCenterLabel: "Total revenue: $64.08K",
centerLabel: "Revenue from $label: $value",
centerLabelBold: "1",
showTooltip: "0",
showLabels: "0",
showlegend: "1",
showpercentvalues: "1",
legendposition: "right",
legendWidth: "300",
legendPosition: "right",
theme: "fusion"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
Reverse Legend Order#
Set the value of reverseLegend
attribute to 1
, to reverse the order of datasets in the chart legend.
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"reverseLegend": "1"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
Hide Data Series upon Loading#
Set the value of initiallyHidden
attribute to 1
, to hide the data plots of a data series initially, on chart load. The plots will become visible when you click on the name of the series in the chart legend. This attribute works from the dataset
object level in JSON data, and by default takes the value of 0
, thereby displaying data plots of every series when you load the chart.
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"dataset": [{
"initiallyHidden": "1"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
Customize Legend Appearance#
Use the following attributes to customize chart legend appearance:
Specify the background color for the legend using the
attribute, which accepts hex codes as values.Specify the background transparency for the legend using the
attribute. It takes values between0
(transparent) and100
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"legendBgColor": "#CCCCCC",
"legendBgAlpha": "20"
Specify the border color for the legend using the
attribute, which accepts hex codes as values.Specify the border thickness for the legend in pixels, using the
attribute.Specify the border transparency for the legend using the
attribute. It takes values between0
(transparent) and100
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"legendBorderColor": "#666666",
"legendBorderThickness": "1",
"legendBorderAlpha": "40"
Set the value of the
attribute to1
, to display legend shadow.If you have too many items in the legend, it will automatically display a scroll bar. Specify the background color of the scroll bar using the
attribute, which accepts hex codes.Specify the horizontal alignment of the legend caption with the
attribute, which accepts the valuesleft
, andright
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"legendCaptionAlignment": "center",
"legendScrollBgColor": "#ffffff",
"legendShadow": "1"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
Customize Legend Font Cosmetics#
Use the following attributes to customize the legend font cosmetics:
Specify the legend item font using the
attribute.Specify the legend item font size using the
attribute, which accepts values between0
.Specify the legend item font color using the
attribute, which accepts hex codes as values.Display legend keys in bold, by setting the value of
attribute to1
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"legendItemFontBold": "0",
"legendItemFont": "Arial",
"legendItemFontSize": "11",
"legendItemFontColor": "#666666"
- Specify the legend item font color on hover, using the
attribute, which accepts hex codes as values.
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"legendItemHoverFontColor": "#000000"
Specify the legend of chart caption value using the
attribute, which accepts strings.Specify the legend caption font using the
attribute.Specify the legend caption font size using the
attribute, which accepts values between0
.Specify the hex color code for the caption font of the legend using the
attribute.Set the
attribute to1
to make the caption appear bold.
Refer to the code below:
"chart": {
"legendCaption": "Which year?",
"legendCaptionBold": "1",
"legendCaptionFont": "Arial",
"legendCaptionFontSize": "14",
"legendCaptionFontColor": "#333333"
The chart will look as shown below:
Click here to edit the above chart.
Legends are a valuable tool for enhancing chart readability by clearly associating data plots with their corresponding series names. FusionCharts offers a range of customization options to modify the Legend's Looks and behavior to best suit your data visualization needs. You can control everything from the Legend's location and size to its font style and color. With these customizations, you can create the perfect legend of chart that complements your charts and effectively communicates your data story.
Boost your chart clarity with FusionCharts Legends!#
Confused charts? FusionCharts Legends can help! Unlock clarity and interactivity, take your data storytelling to the next level. Explore now!