Chart Limits

Chart limits are the minimum and maximum y-axis values. While FusionCharts Suite XT can automatically calculate the best chart limits, it also allows you to specify them explicitly.

The axis limits encompass all values present in the chart; no data value in the chart can be less than the minimum y-axis value or greater than the maximum y-axis value. If an axis limit outside of this range is specified, FusionCharts Suite XT will automatically adjust it.

Let's check how to customize the chart limits.

Set Chart Limits Explicitly#

You can set custom y-axis limits as per your requirement. To do so, the following attributes are used:

  • Set the lower limit of the y-axis using the yAxisMinValue attribute.

  • Set the upper limit of the y-axis using the yAxisMaxValue attribute.

Refer to the code below:

    "chart": {
        "yAxisMaxValue": "2500000",
        "yAxisMinValue": "1000000"
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The chart with custom y-axis limits will look like as shown below:

Click here to edit the above chart.

Set Y-axis Minimum value#

You can choose to set the y-axis lower limit to 0 (zero) or let the y-axis lower limit adapt itself to the values provided to the chart. To do so, set the setAdaptiveYMin attribute to 1. By default, this attribute is set to 0.

Refer to the code below:

    "chart": {
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A chart with adaptive minimum value for the y-axis will look like as shown below:

Click here to edit the above chart.

Set Axis Limits for Dual Y-axis Charts#

In case of dual y-axis charts, you can set custom y-axis limits for both the primary and secondary y-axes. To do so, the following attributes are used:

  • Set the lower limit of the primary y-axis using the pYAxisMinValue attribute.

  • Set the upper limit of the primary y-axis using the pYAxisMaxValue attribute.

  • Set the lower limit of the secondary y-axis using the sYAxisMinValue attribute.

  • Set the upper limit of the secondary y-axis using the sYAxisMaxValue attribute.

Refer to the code below:

    "chart": {
        "pYAxisMinValue": "1000",
        "pYAxisMaxValue": "25000",
        "sYAxisMinValue": "1400",
        "sYAxisMaxValue": "1700"
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A chart with explicitly defined limits for the primary and secondary y-axis looks like as shown below:

Click here to edit the above chart.

Set same Axis Limits for Primary and Secondary Y-axes#

Configure your charts so that the chart limits for the primary and secondary y-axes are synced. For charts with static data, this can be done by specifying the minimum and maximum y-axis values, but this won't work for dynamic chart data. For dynamic charts, set the syncAxisLimits attribute to 1.

Refer to the code below:

    "chart": {
        "syncAxisLimits": "1"
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A chart with synced chart limits for the primary and secondary y-axis looks like as shown below:

Click here to edit the above chart.

Show/Hide Y-axis Values#

By default, all the y-axis values are visible. You can hide all the y-axis values or only the maximum and minimum y-axis values showing the rest. To do so, the following attributes are used:

  • Set the showYAxisValues attribute to 0 to hide all the y-axis values. By default, it is set to 1 and the all the values are visible.

Refer to the code below:

    "chart": {
        "showYAxisValues": "0"
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The chart will look like as shown in the image below:

Click here to edit the above chart.

  • Set the showLimits attribute to 0 to hide the maximum and minimum y-axis values. By default, it is set to 1, and the values are visible. This attribute overrides the setting of the showYAxisValues.

Refer to the code below:

    "chart": {
        "showLimits": "0"
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The chart will look like as shown in the image below:

Click here to edit the above chart.