Overlapping Columns in JavaScript Part of FusionCharts XT
Related charts and Widgets
Column in 3D
Compare the values of individual data points in 3D
Grouped bar with multiple series
Analyze and compare multiple data points grouped in sub-categories
Overlapping Bars
Compare two data sets on each bar of the chart
Build 100+ charts and 2000+ maps
Go beyond column charts and pie charts with our 100+ charts made for any kind of data. From area to donut and marimekko to radar, we’ve got all your charting needs covered. Don’t just stop at charts, with 2000+ maps, gauges and more, your dashboards and reports will become more meaningful and insightful.
Chart Gallery
Explore 100+ charts for your React application
Time Series Gallery
Explore how to plot millions of data on a time-series chart in React
Maps Gallery
Render 2000+ Maps for your React project
Explore dashboard with column chart
We have built over 20+ dashboards for various industries and use-cases. The best part of these dashboards? They are open source and completely free to use! Just download them and explore how you can use React Charts for FusionCharts in the real-world.
Sales Performance Tracker (3D)
Track sales figures over several years, and monitor sales team performance from a single integrated interface, with our Management Dashboard (3D).
Sales & Collaboration Dashboard
Know how your business is doing, share your thoughts, instructions, or a pat on the back with colleagues, and secure data sharing with profile-based access.
Realty Information Dashboard
View exact metrics on property prices & realty market performance in different segments and help your customers invest wisely.