Heat map to show ranking Part of PowerCharts XT
A heat map chart is a specialized chart that uses colors to represent data values in a table. It is mostly used to plot large and complex data. The chart is visualized like a table with a finite number of rows and columns. Cells within the table are rendered in different colors depending upon the range in which the data value they represent belongs to. A heat map to show ranking plots the ranks of entities on the x-axis for a given data range. This type of heat map is used for datasets that show popularity ranking or performance like popularity of names used in a geography, causes of diseases across different geographies or in a given time period, sales team performance across different geographies or product categories and so on.
Best Practices for Heat Map to Show Ranking :
- Appropriate numerical ranges that enable a fairly even distribution of data between them.
- Use appropriate colors to highlight how different entities have risen or fallen in ranks. Some colors stand out more than the others, giving unnecessary weight to that data. Instead, use a single color with varying shade or a spectrum between two analogous colors to show intensity.