Stacked bars in 3D Part of FusionCharts XT
The stacked bar 3D chart plots datasets horizontally grouped next to each other, instead of being stacked vertically one below the other. This chart helps in displaying the cumulative magnitude of two or more datasets. The length of each stack in a bar is proportionate to its value. Datasets in a stack are distinguished by their color; an icon legend is rendered at the bottom of the chart to map data plots to their corresponding data categories; the icons can be clicked to show/hide data plots. The chart is popularly used to show comparative data like the sales of different products in different regions, website traffic along with acquisition channels, and so on.
Best Practices for Stacked Bar Charts in 3D :
- Start the y-axis at 0 to accurately reflect the proportionate difference in data.
- Show the sum value on top of each column, adding up values for different categories plotted on the chart.
const dataSource = {
chart: {
caption: "Organic visits from Search Engines",
showvalues: "0",
formatnumberscale: "0",
showpercentvalues: "1",
showsum: "0",
"<b>$dataValue</b> visits from $seriesName in $label {br}<b>$percentValue</b> of total visits in the month",
theme: "candy"
categories: [
category: [
label: "January"
label: "February"
label: "March"
label: "April"
label: "May"
label: "June"
label: "July"
label: "August"
label: "September"
label: "October"
label: "November"
label: "December"
dataset: [
seriesname: "Google",
data: [
value: "5040"
value: "4794"
value: "5026"
value: "5341"
value: "4800"
value: "4507"
value: "5701"
value: "4671"
value: "4980"
value: "4041"
value: "3813"
value: "3691"
seriesname: "Yahoo",
data: [
value: "1200"
value: "1124"
value: "1006"
value: "921"
value: "1500"
value: "1007"
value: "921"
value: "971"
value: "1080"
value: "1041"
value: "1113"
value: "1091"
seriesname: "Others",
data: [
value: "400"
value: "524"
value: "606"
value: "421"
value: "500"
value: "707"
value: "621"
value: "471"
value: "680"
value: "441"
value: "713"
value: "491"
FusionCharts.ready(function() {
var myChart = new FusionCharts({
type: "stackedbar3d",
renderAt: "chart-container",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
dataFormat: "json",
<div id="chart-container"></div>